After being notified that the ceremony was going to be starting, Tetsuo went into the auditorium, separated from Tim, and settled down with some people he recognized from his grade, so that he wouldn't be completely out of his element.The ceremony started, and he could honestly say that he knew it was going to be something like this. He was aware of the budget and expenses the school was able to spare, as well as the theatrical nature of his principal, so he just sat back a bit and enjoyed the show, observing the surprised faces of the newcomers and cackling a little to himself. He could easily remember his first time, in which the principal hired acrobats to put on a circus-like entrance ceremony. [i]Good times[/i], he thought. When it was finished, he watched as Nanase stood up there and delivered her rousing speech about following your dreams and all that. He had heard a similar one last year, but this time, he actually recognized the student who was delivering it, making it a little more special. There was a slight applause when Nanase finished, and he was one of the people clapping their hands. He watched attentively as the principal walked up to the mic, and listened to what he was going to say.