Humans and other alien races have won the day against an evil alien menace bent on taking over the galaxy. With this grand victory they have ushered in a new era of peace. With nothing better to do they decide on a fun competition that involves matching their tanks against one another in far more friendly combat! In the name of fair play there will be limitation to the tanks (no instant death beams, auto aiming, etc), and the cockpits are required to be surrounded in a material that can withstand any of the ammo used in the battle and also negate the force of being knocked around, allowing for intense fighting yet still causing no fatalities or serious injuries. All weapons can be locked from an outside source in the event of a dangerous situation. So that's all the background information you need. What aliens are there? Whatever you come up with you can bring that alien or human in, just so long as they're not overpowered. Feel free to throw in some silly ones if you so choose. There can be special magical powers and I suppose even magically powered tanks. What technology is out there? You can have anti gravity, laser firing, cloaking devices, etc. All of this stuff, from the aliens to magic to technology, have many things allowed as long as it still allows for fair fighting with it's own share of advantages and disadvantages. Of course there can also be good old fashioned tanks as well (good old fashioned yet still a lot stronger, being from the future). As such, make sure your tank and it's crew could still loose to such a tank without any special powers. I'd rather not start saying a detailed and super long list of what you can and cannot do, so it would be best if you guys just post your tank and crew ideas and I can confirm or deny them at that point. The battles can be 1 vs. 1 but I'd like a team battle if we get enough people. Each person controls their entire tank team, making them just faceless goons or entirely fleshed out characters depending on personal preference. The characters can range from epic to klutzy trainee to help balance things out. Maybe your tank has awesome defense but your driver stinks so often finds themselves outmaneuvered? Be sure to include at least one relatively exploitable weakness such as that, but many more the more powerful advantages your tank has. I think that explanation just about covers it. Does this idea sound fun? Any questions or suggestions? And before you ask, yes, I was inspired by a certain anime. EDIT: Oh, and the competitors don't commonly worry about maximizing everything to the fullest extend of the rules just to achieve victory. They get points for good sportsmenship, which partially involves this.