Somehow he knew this was gonna happen, some little voice in the back of his head that kept whispering 'this is gonna turn to shit.' So it wasn't much of a surprise to him when the [i]Pyjak[/i] Salarian's brains exploded all over the forecourt, or when Alexa and Micheal both fell to the ground after a second gunshot. The humans dragged themselves into cover, the male commanding Kali to begin pursuit of the sniper, the order being obeyed quickly, though she shouted at the rest to secure the area. Great, bench the Krogan. Again. He was getting ready to vault the railing when the Turian turned to him and began yammering on about rifles and armour and their ability to rip through shields. It took him a second or two to catch up, before realising Arlius was saying. "Slow down there girly, you're speaking to the wrong person. Get in contact with Kali," as he spoke Aria's Fist left cover and took off after the shooter and the Huntress. And people called the Krogan hot-headed ". . . And Alexa. Tell em' what they're dealing with. Be quick, those idiots are likely to get themselves killed." With that he vaulted off the balcony, the pavement underneath cracking under his bulk. He moved quickly to Micheal's side. "Arlius reckons this guys firepower is is too much for our shields. Those girls are in for a world of hurt. What's your play?" Raze, though the most experienced member on the team by far, seemed to be the only one who wasn't interested in leading. Or by glory-hounding, as the Quarian ran off to join the pursuit. These fools were all gonna get each other killed if they didn't learn to work together better. It's like they all thought they were Krogan.