(Collab by me and datadogie) The cold morning winds bit at Cassius’ fur relentlessly, this was an unnatural cold, either way he had to get both himself and his sister out of the frigid air. How was he going to find shelter though, he couldn't take an inhale of breath without the freezing air sapping it all away. Cassius had been carrying his little sister on his back, having her walk would create more problems for them. The large wolf turned to look at her, a worried look in his eyes. “Are you okay sister?” “I-It’s so cold.” Zariana whimpers. “Like, freezing cold.” She looks at his face, lines of worry crossing her own face. “Isn't there a cave nearby, or some kind of shelter?” She raises her head a little, and looks around, shivering a little. Cassius looked at the pup with worry as he heard her whimper in reaction to the cold. This wasn't good weather for her and he needed to find some kind of shelter for her. “I know it’s cold, I’ll find a place for us to stay and be warm..” He said as if he meant to promise her that he’d get her to safety, in a way he did. The snow didn't give him much visibility, reducing his eyesight to a squint, he could barely make out anything. The more he started to focus he began to see a single figure, a large figure headed toward them, it was even bigger than him. If it was a bear then maybe there was a shelter near or maybe it was searching for one, either way, he’d figure it out. “Zariana, get behind me, now…” He said in a commanding manner, staring down the large bear. Zariana did not know that there was a bear ahead until Cassius told her to get behind him. She stared ahead, and saw the figure approaching them. She began to whimper, and quickly get off of his back, getting behind him as the bear came closer. She shook in fear, and began to back away, her paws padding little pawprints in the snow. Cassius underwent a dramatic change once he felt his sister was threatened, he could sense her fear. He never liked her being afraid of anything, she didn't have to be as long as he was there with her. The wolf tilted his head in confusion when he saw smaller figures near the larger bear, it was a mother. Cassius held back a growl as the two began to circle one another, Cassius made sure his sister was with him the whole time. Without hesitation, Cassius grabbed Zariana by the next and bolted away. Now that they were on the side the bear was one originally, he could run without worry. The faster he ran, the more he started to see a hole within something. It just looked like blackness but he was sure it was a cave. He began to slow down once he felt safe enough to, walking slowly to the mouth of the cave and cautiously stepping in. He shivered in reaction to the sudden warmth, it wasn't home but it’d have to do for now. Zariana looked around the cave, shaking. “I-It’s warmer in here. C-Can you let go of me?” She whispers. When she was put down, she nervously strolled along the walls of the cave, summoning lights to light up the dark corners of it. “Won’t the bear be chasing us?” She asks, sitting at the entrance of the cave and staring out. She wasn't looking for the bear or any other danger. She was just staring at the beautiful white snow. She put her head between her paws, sighing. Cassius nudged her gently, smiling softly, at least they were a little safe. He kept the thought about the bear in the back of his mind. "We won't have to worry about that bear, she won't bother us." He said to her, thinking back to when he saw the cubs. "Are you hungry Zariana? I can find us something. " He said to her as he started curling up to his sister to warm her up. “Yeah. I’m really hungry.” Zariana thought it was a bit babyish to be curled against, even at her young age, but allowed it, especially because she was freezing. “Please find me something. Maybe a deer. A deer would be great.” She drools slightly, thinking about the taste of deer meat. Cassius nodded in reaction to her agreement, he chuckled a little when his sister brought up the idea of a deer. “I’ll see if I can do that…” He said, standing up and putting his nose into the air, sniffing the air in search of any food. Once he found something he took off, running so fast he caused a blowback of snow and icy winds toward the cave. Cassius now was in search for food, hopefully nothing would be there to take it from him.