[quote=Ex] I couldn't see Lucy. Every time someone says "we only use 10% of our brain!" I die a little inside. [/quote] I kind of wish the movie was true, but it's a nice concept. Unless it's a horror flick or it's just a terrible movie, I usually watch it to enjoy it and the concept, rather than delve too deeply into why it was made or what it's trying to get across. My dad can't watch movies because he sees an agenda in everything. I preoccupy myself with how well the actors are doing, how well the plot is, how good the writing is, and the overall concept without going too deep into, "Well this was made to spread awareness of global warming," or some crap. I could care less about the subliminal messages; movies are there for me to escape and enjoy my life. I still think there's quite a bit we don't know about our brains, doe, so who knows. I think Transcendence clearly defines that. Which was also a good movie. I can watch a movie that completely destroys anything remotely scientific and still enjoy it. Star Wars kind of does that pretty well. Or at least, it's more a futurist's view of what we could achieve rather than Star Treks hyper-logic and actual scientific fact. I think it's the main reason I can go into a movie and come out like, "I thought that was really good," while everyone else is like, "Ugh, that sucked dick." Unless the actor was below par. I enjoyed the new TMNT for what it was, but it wasn't a blockbuster hit. Megan Fox didn't do quite well acting wise, in the movie, and that disappointed me. I mean, that's my only issue with the movie. The acting was subpar, whilst everyone else is on about how it's a travesty to remake TMNT like that and twist lore and concept and shit that doesn't matter because comics often twist the lore regardless, depending on who is writing it. I mean, I really want to see them make the new Ghostbusters with their all female cast and people are complaining about that shit. If anyone wants to complain about something, complain about how they destroyed the happy ending of Aliens with the third installment of the movie. Q_Q Why they break my heart like this? It was an okay movie, though. I liked that they went back to their roots in Alien and made it more of a thriller/horror flick than Aliens horror/action movie. Hell, I loved Prometheus and I watched Aleins: Requiem for that Sigourney Weaver miracle basketball shot.