"It's a pleasure to meet you, Doctor!" Viridian responded, reaching out to shake The Doctor's hand. He certainly wasn't like any doctor Viridian had ever seen. It was odd, what The Doctor had. He seemed a little surprised by the weapon he had. Viridian couldn't help but chuckle, how would someone forget what they were carrying? It was quite silly, but Viridian wasn't going to question the ways of The Doctor. Though it was odd how he suddenly looked around. Did he feel something? Viridian didn't... He simply ignored it, keeping his smile as The Doctor called out to another giant that wasn't too far away. It looked much different than The Doctor did. --- Sylux didn't budge. The humanoid had glanced in the hunter's direction, but thankfully decided to mind his own business. [I]'I was detected rather easily, even for being in this field... They don't appear hostile... Odd.'[/I] The hunter glanced down at The Shock Coil, while considering the possible routes to continue. Disposing of that man would be easy, he appeared to be nothing more than a human male, getting on in his years. Having such people here was insulting to Sylux, this was supposed to at least give the hunter a minor challenge. Sad that it appeared that wouldn't happen. --- Viridian tilted his head, listening to the second giant question The Doctor. His thoughts wandered for a moment as he looked up at Asuka. [I]'Wow! These creatures can look extremely different from eachother! At least it won't be hard to tell them apart.'[/I] He rubbed the back of his head, finding it an odd assumption that The Doctor was the voice from that void. "That odd voice?" He questioned, thinking about his own experience. "That mysterious voice was pretty odd... I wonder who it was? It said something about expecting me..." Viridian glanced at The Doctor, unsure of what to make of it. He wasn't absolutely sure, but he was feeling confident in the fact The Doctor wasn't the voice from that weird dark place he was in earlier Hearing another voice, Viridian turned and eyed another one of these creatures! Once again it looked extremely different. Viridian found this amazing once more, waving at the taller newcomer. "I have absolutely no idea what is going on, all I know is this is some sort of tournament that involves fighting..." He blinked, glancing around at the others. "Wait, do we all have to fight each-other?"