I'll be posting soon as well, I'm more waiting for the Rangers to all post. But if for some reason that wouldn't be the case in the next 24 to 48 hours, I'll post regardless. I finished the CSes of two major Villains I claim in addition to Dark Spectre. [hider=King Mondo]Name: King Alfred James Mondo VII Age: Approximately 60,000 Appearance: [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/103/6/5/king_mondo_by_jcgroovez-d4w076d.jpg[/img] Power: Being a robot, designed with the best metals of his planet, and a supercomputer for a brain, Mondo has an excellent amount of endurance, strength, and intelligence. Probably the smartest of the UA's inner circle, for he made his empire with his own hands. In addition, Mondo is a master of Electrokinesis, capable of firing bolts of lightning, usually with his staff, Weapon: The Royal Clockwork Staff Personality: For a machine, King Mondo and the entire house of Gadgetry shows one heck of a collection of emotions, and understandably so, as they're minds are the closest to being alive. King Mondo himself, while not as kind as he was in the past, is a very polite and sophisticated ruler. He speaks and acts with class and manners that one would assume villains in this alliance would lack. He is also quite naive to his actions, believing himself to be doing the conversions for the good of all living things, ignoring the fact that he's in a place called the United Alliance of Evil. He has a passionate hatred for Death and nature with it, his one goal being to rid the universe of such concepts, immortalizing it. While he has learned to be cruel to any who oppose him, believing them to be blasphamers and suicidal lunatics, he has a very soft spot for his family, willing to do anything for his wife and two kids. History: Once upon a time, there was a planet in a far-off galaxy called Baranoia. It was a peaceful splendid paradise where nature and technology were fused into a perfect symbiotic relationship. Under the rule of its single kingdom, the people within lived peaceful lives together in the temperance of nature and machines. This kingdom was ruled by a kind, but naive king, Alfred James Mondo VII. He was a fair ruler like his father and grandfathers before him, always looking out for his kingdom and attempting to keep the peace however possible. However, they taught him so many things about leadership, kindness, and the beauty of nature and technology, that they neglected to mention nature's ever present dark side: Predators, Illness, and the darkest fact of all, ...Death. Baranoia's technology was advanced, and its nature was peaceful, so the only death that was expected in the world was of Old Age, something the royal family ensures their current generations' peaceful perception of reality by ensuring they 'disappear' before they die, launching themselves into space to die in its depths. Because of this, it was never expected or anticipated when Mondo's wife, the queen, whom he broke the rule forbidding outsiders to enter his kingdom for, suffered a terminal illness, dormant throughout her family until it reacted to the flora of Baranoia. Mondo, not knowing what was going on, tried his best to help her, but in the end she succumbed and Mondo bore witness to Death for the first time. Not knowing about Death, he begged for someone, anyone, to wake her up from her sleep, but to no avail. When he asked her family why this happened, that is when he learned the sad truth, that Death is a natural force, and that it will eventually happen to everyone, that his parents have died as well, rather then taking a journey as they explained to him. Mondo, of course, was meant to learn this eventually but not until he was ready to face it, which he as it stood then, he was far from able. This revelation gave rise to another revelation: If he dies, he would die with a child to call his own, and without anyone to take his throne. His kingdom would be leaderless and as a result would fall apart. Then suddenly, he had an idea, an epiphany. All living thing succumb to death, ...except that machines aren't living. The technology that produced this kingdom have remained timeless throughout its history. Years have past and the machines are still active, still 'alive'. Even if they break, or malfunction, they can simply be repaired again. So with that in mind, if Death comes for the living, then the only way to fight against it, is to not be alive at all. He went into the core of his castle, to the central mother computer, the hub from which all the kingdom's technology stays online, and decided to do something drastic. He implants his own neural data, all of his memories, his emotions, everything his mind has into the mother computer, and leaves his mortal coil to rot. His servants went created a robotic shell for him to use, and implanted the mother computer, which was just the right size, into the head of this kingly robot. With this, King Mondo was reborn. As he got used to his new body, he could feel only happiness and delight. He was stronger, he had the processing speed of the entire world, and his metal frame had a reactor electro-magnetic energy that gave him the power to control and summon lightning, and with it control other machines. To top it off, he was, in practically every meaning of the word, immortal; a machine is ageless and can always rebuilt. What else could he call himself, if not a God? Transcending the mortal coil to reach a life that was eternal, defying the force of Death, and if he could do it, why wouldn't anyone else? He went to his wife, aleady taken by Death, and used his electro-kinetic to transmit what remains of her neural data, planet them into an advanced CPU, and built a body around it. He has revived his queen, took her away from Death, and he was happy. He then proceeded to 'immortalize' his two best servants, Clank and Orbis, and he was happy. Then when he thought it wasn't possible, he created not one, but two sons, Sprocket and Gasket, both immortal like him, completing the Royal House of Gadgetry, and he could not be any happier. He now has a family that Death could never claim, and yet... it wasn't enough. To him, Death wasn't natural, it was an evil force, one that just takes everything people loved away from them before then claiming them, something that was once undefeatable, for everyone dies eventually. This cannot continue any longer, and so he has declared he will defeat, surpass, and destroy Death itself by turning his planet, no, the universe itself, into a race of robots that no longer required Nature for their help, ruling a kingdom that will never die. With this in mind, he completely mechanized all of Baranoia, burning down all plantlife on the planet, and converting all of his people into robots. Some of them, were robots that were unique in their own ways, a result of their powerful minds and their living lives before this. Most however became Cogs, named that for being useless alone, but the very heart of the machine when stood together. With this, the Machine Empire of Baranoia was made. As an emperor, Mondo had only one goal now, scatter across the universe, and turn all living things into immortal robots. Somewhere down the line, however, he met with another who was akin to a God, Dark Spectre. He made an offer with Mondo: to be part of his United Alliance of Evil, gain all the resources they have and sections of planets and galaxies to take control of, and in return, he would be loyal to Dark Spectre and obey every word he said. Mondo was honestly hesistant at first, but Baranoia, now his ship as well as the capital of the empire, needs fuel to keep on running, and they cannot stay adrift in space forever. Under Queen Machina's advice, they took the offer and became a part of the United Alliance...for now.[/hider] [hider=Lord Zedd]Name: Lord Zedd Age: Unknown Appearance: [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130214205948/fanon/images/9/99/Lord_Zedd.jpg[/img] Power: Zedd is, without a doubt, one of the greatest sorcerers in the universe, rivaling the power Zordon was said to have at every turn. The magic he conjures, usually charged by his staff but not always the case, is second only to Vile Repulsa in sheer power. His experience in magic has made him able to conjure up spells simply by willing it, rather then stating incantations like lesser-experienced sorcerers. (Looking at you, Rita.) Unlike normal wizards or Sorcerers however, Zedd has also trained his body and skills as a powerful fighter, capabble of beating down rangers in hand-to-hand combat. Of course these particular skill were done for last-resort scenarios, after all, he is an Emperor, and an Emperor should never have to dirty his own hands. Speaking of which, as Emperor of his own little empire, Zedd has a good sense of leadership and strategy. Weapon: The Z-Staff, formed from metamorphing his pet snake, and Serpentera as a last-resort weapon. Personality: The best way to describe Zedd: A Tyrant without Mercy, Ruth, or Relent. He is a cruel, brutal, barbaric emperor of evil who does rather well taking after Dark Spectre, insulting ally and enemy alike. He is Egotistical, and prideful in his power and his position, so much so that he can't seem to ever accept nor tolerate the very idea that he failed something, always pinning the blame on someone else. He has no respect for anyone, save for Dark Spectre, and treats those lower on the food chain like dirt while those in the same position he treats with bitter disrespect. He has no sympathy for the weak, and he only sees levels of usefulness for those under him. While he does reward those who serve their usefulness, those who are useless to him shall be punished to harsh degrees. History: Long ago, before his lordship, Zedd was a powerful Sorcerer on Eltar, the same home world from which Zordon was born on. He was a rival to the wise sage even back then, as both were self-taught in their powers and beliefs. While Zordon believed in selflessness and essentially the power of Good, Zedd disagreed with him at every turn, believing the qualities that supposedly give them their strength ultimately is what gives them their weaknesses. Some people on the planet believed this to be true as well, which is what led him to gain the first of his followers, people who were admired by his power, and wanted to learn from him. Yet every time they battled, Zordon, who was considerably weaker in power to Zedd, always won. Everytime Zedd got even close to winning, Zordon finds the will to get up and knock him down again and again. He never understood what gave Zordon his sense of will power that would make him overcome a more powerful foe like he did. Even as Zedd trains to be even stronger, Zordon still is victorious, and it only served to anger him, and make him feel contempt and hatred for his rival. Eventually, however, hope came to him from the shadows, as Dark Spectre took an interest in watching the two wizards' querrel. At the time, Zedd's evil wasn't as large, but it had potential; what evil he had at the time in his heart was thick, making a kind of black hole in his heart that can grow and consume everything in its wake. As such, he offered Zedd more power, power the likes of which he never would have dreamed of before, but warned that it would come at a price. This wasn't the first time he met Dark Spectre, as he came to him many times to offer this power, but refused at all times, wanting to defeat Zordon by his own power and his alone. But every defeat made his temptation grow and his hesitation diminished, until eventually he caved in and accepted the offer. He didn't even care about the price anymore, if it meant being strong enough to finally defeat Zordon once and for all, he'd gladly pay it. With this, Dark Spectre consumed Zedd in his darkness, let him absorb it and fused with his destructive power resulting in his body glowing red with energy. The final battle between the two wizards came to pass, Zordon and Zedd fighting for hours, neither of them backing down. Zordon wanted to settle this fight quickly and without much damage, as the glowing red Zedd made him worry for his rival. After all, too much energy in the body is dangerous, regardless of color. (10 point to anyone who gets the reference.) Zedd was disgusted at Zordon's sympathy, and insulted by his pity, which gave him the rage to continue with the fight. Every attack to Zedd led to a power surge due to the energy within, sparks coming out en masse with each collision. But Zedd also got a few good hits in there as well, damaging Zordon just as much as Zordon damaged him. In the end, however, Zordon was victorious yet again, his final blow smashing the top of Zedd's skull. The resulting power surge was so great, that Zedd combusted, his body completely engulfed in red flames. He screamed in pure and utter agony, as the crimson flames burned him alive. Zordon just looked away, not wanting to see Zedd in pain like this. By the end, the flames extinguished themselves, and Zedd's body was completely charred to a cinder, and unmoving like a statue. Zordon, of course, was saddened by this, as no one, not even Zedd, deserved such a terrible fate, and simply walked away, giving one last prayer that he may rest in peace. A prayer that was denied. Zedd's followers, under the Dark One's instructions, took the unmoving Zedd's body back with them to a dimension known as the Otherworld, prepared for him by Dark Spectre, and once there they removed the charred skin from his body, piece by piece. The entire body was like this, so nothing skin deep was salvaged. But surprisingly, the amount of burns on his body was just that: Skin-deep. His flesh, his muscle, his blood and his internal organs were all intact, though his bones were most definitely damaged beyond repair. Despite the pain, the magic refused to let him die, it seems. They proceeded to repair their master under the shadow-master's direction, first creating an exoskeleton from the finest metals they could find in that dimension, removing the shattered skull from the flesh, exposing his brain, and giving him a visor and helmet to help his now impaired vision and protect his face from any further damage. Finally, they inserted tubes into his main blood veins in the torso and in the limbs and injected a special fluid into him through said tubes that worked as a coolant for the burning power still inside him, a blood stabilizer, and an extreme dosage of morphine all at once. They proceeded to give him enough of this liquid miracle to last him for over half a millennium. It took them weeks to stabilize Zedd's body, but it was worth it as Zedd finally awoken. Zedd lives. Numb from the pain of his exposed flesh and muscle, combined with the exoskeleton that protected that flesh and served as his replacement bones, he could feel only the intense power running through his veins, and as such, felt greater then he ever felt before. Dark Spectre came to him then, and offered him a deal. He shall have the power that would bring him an army, become a lord, no, an emperor of evil, conquering galaxies planet by planet, and in addition he shall have what resources he could muster at the time to create a way to refill the fluid when it eventually runs out, and to top it off, the power of immortality, and power and resource to finally defeat Zordon. In return, Zedd shall come to him when he calls, be a part of his United Alliance of Evil, and shall serve him eternally and with absolute loyalty. Not having much choice at this point, he accepted these conditions, and immediately began his conquest, dubbing himself as Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees. The rest is history. Zed rallied an army of powerful warriors and his own footsoldiers made from mud and clay of the worlds he conquered, and eventually became infamous throughout the universe. He was there when Zordon created the Power Rangers for the first time. He was there when he made Dr. Panzer build Serpentera, and he was there during his first defeat against said Rangers. It didn't surprise him anymore that it just so happened that it was Zordon of all people who created those rangers that made his defeat. He went into Seclusion, hiding in the shadows with Dark Spectre's help, becoming a member of Dark Spectre's Shadow Government, and he himself being a part of Dark Spectre's inner circle. Though it wasn't a total loss, one of his better soldiers, Rita Repulsa, managed to trap Zordon in a time warp on Earth. At last, He finally saw Zordon's defeat as promised. ...He just wished it was him and not some rookie sorceress who did it. 10,000 years later, Zedd is ready to make a comeback, and starts by sending Rita Repulsa off to the Milky Way galaxy, to Earth, under Dark Spectre's... "Advice". The time has come at last, to conquer the planet Zordon now 'selflessly' protects, and gain his final victory over his rival once and for all.[/hider]