[i][center][b]Villain[/b][/center][/i] --- ”Good think you know a drying spell Robin.” Robin wondered if ze should remember that ze had said “may” instead of “know”. Ze decided against. It was their fault if they hadn’t listened properly. And even if Robin failed with the spell at the first try ze could always try again as long as the attack wasn’t too sudden and people weren’t too busy to guard them for ten seconds. Drying things wasn’t too time consuming in comparison with earth magic, which was slow as the movement of tectonic plates. Well, that was exaggeration, but the point remained. Robin raised his hand after Soren. He was right, there was no doubt about it. There was nothing worth of adding to his statement. If somebody disagreed he, she or ze (Robin always added that pronoun into the list) was quite likely a moron.