Name - Jinayah Ifriti Alias - Orbit Age - 17 Sponsor - Batman Personality - intelligent, snarky, driven Powers/Tools/Skills - Telekinetic enhanced strength, telekinetic almost-flight, mechanical and math brilliance, martial arts, 6 silver orbs with hidden blades Weaknesses - big opponents, high metabolism, fighting in open spaces, insomnia, snow/winter Appearance - [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] BRIEF Bio - Jin lost her parents at a young age, and was on the streets not long after. Years of struggling to survive turned an innocent child to a clever, capable pickpocket. She grew more and more confident, until one day she decided to enter the more upper-class part of Gotham. She picked the wrong mark- Bruce Wayne. While she managed to sneak his wallet, she didn't get much farther than that. Wayne was no fool, and he caught up to her long enough to get his wallet back. The young thief vanished- only to be visited hours later by Batman himself. He offered her something no one else had: hope. What's Changed - Jin was already starting to crack after the loss of a teammate and the devastating attack on their base. When she slept through a trouble alarm and (in her mind) abandoned her teammates, she knew that she was nearing rock bottom. With some help from Black Canary, she began to seek therapy for her nightmares, insomnia, and the deeper issues involving her trauma. It's been rather touch and go, as therapy goes; some sessions, some weeks, some months have been better than others. She seems to be more grounded and focused... but where that focus may have turned remains to be seen. She's also gotten a bit more womanly, losing a bit of her androgynous shape during a late growth spurt. She has visible boobs now and she HATES them. ("Does the B in B-cup stand for Bullshit? How am I supposed to fight with these... things on me?") Notes - *Besides Batman's fondness for scooping up orphans, Batman saw something in Jin- potential. He knew that if she was left on the streets, she'd probably become a very adept, very dangerous criminal within the next 5-10 years. So he decided to turn the path of her destiny, and use her untapped potential for something good. *Jin's weakness to open spaces is linked to the way she uses her telekinesis to fly. She can't fly for real- what she is actually doing is using her powers to basically fling herself from one point to another, relying on the momentum from each successful push to keep her airborne. With nothing to push herself off of, she can't go too high or fast, and has to rely on hovering over the ground.