Cateline pursed her lips. Her father had named him that? A man who seem so collected, had this in his basement? She wondered what made her father keep Damien in the basement. She had a lot to learn about her family.. "Why then did my father keep you down there? Or rather, did something change his mind and he chose later to banish you there?" At the sound of her ancestors name, she turned back a bit, looking at the broken door that led to the hallway. His portrait hung, peering at them. A portrait of every ancestor hung somewhere in the halls of the manor. Hers as well. Cateline recalled a gathering that her family held once a year, here at the manor. Most of the men would gather in the library late in the nights. Young Cateline would sneak from her bed chambers and down the halls, hoping to catch a word or two of their meetings. Was that what they were about? The creature they hid from the world? Or was it their plans to use him? It was no wonder servants and women about the home would catch her, scolding and carrying her back to bed. "Why did you chose to accept his offer, Damien?" She asked him, turning her attention back to him. "Why my family? Why his plans?"