Is there still room? I'll just put this here in case there is. Tell me if I need to change anything. [hider= Narral] NAME: Narral Bat AGE: 25 SEX: F APPEARANCE: [img=] Standing at around 3’11” Narral is a Halfling and as such can be easily lost in large crowds so try and keep an eye on her if you can. PERSONALITY: In all honesty she’s a bit of a dick when you first meet her, her rather rude and brash personality being one of her many number of flaws. Lack of direction her life being another one coupled with that horrible eavesdropping habit a group of adventurers might suddenly find themselves with an uninvited guest. As a very blunt individual Narral is rather simply, possessing very little tack while some people might treat a topic with caution Narral will waltz in and probably make a mess of it. But despite her rather rough exterior Narral is actually quite nice and enjoys the little things like yummy food and playing her harp for others to hear. Never one to turn down a challenge has led to many horrible surprises when she next woke up with a hangover. However while Narral isn’t exactly cruel shes not exactly a nice person either. When confronted with someone in trouble, such as asking for directions, she’ll jam a thumb in the direction you need to be going and send you on your way with a snide comment and minus a wallet or purse. WEAPON: Gauntlets, because it’s nice to feel your enemies jaw breaking beneath your knuckles. [img=] MAGIC: None at the moment ABILITIES: Dodge roll, Treasure Magnet, Critical Plus DESTINY’S OATH: Hit Them Harder: Putting her gauntlets to rest Narral will begin playing a rousing song on her harp that will invigorate her nearby friends into punching the bad guys through the face. Literally. This lasts for around 3 minutes during which the wooden leaf on the harp glows a very bright red. TRINITY LINK: Throw the Halfling: Literally what it says on the tin. When thrown by her partners a great crimson flame will engulf Narral on her journey towards the enemy. If the enemy/enemies live they will suffer severe burns. ((To be unlocked upon attainment)) ADDITIONAL GEAR: A small harp, granted it was built for a human so it’s a little bit big for her but it’s still a small harp. It’s a family heirloom actually buts it’s been broken and mended so many times that only the little wooden leaf at its tip is from the original. Her mother would always say it was a gift from Eris, the Deity of Music, but it’s highly doubtful though Narral still likes to pretend it’s true anyway. [/hider]