[quote=Serperion] Alysis and Saber were working too well together for people who had just met each other all of 10minutes ago, it was almost as if this was planned. As Saber followed through to Caster, William stopped pivoted and turned to see more lightning coming his way. He raised Gram and slammed his foot into the ground, the earth filled with iron ore beneath the snow reforming and shooting up to make a rudimentary attachment to Gram that would hopefully Earth the lightning that she was throwing at him. William was the head mage of the second year in the house of Hel, he was well versed in lightning magic, but this lightning was different and he enjoyed the difference.Caster wasn't so happy, with Saber attacking her so violently. William had placed a ban on using her noble Phantasms, and Saber couldn't use his also unless he wanted to use up all his Prana. So Caster was already at a disadvantage with her melee skills not that great, Saber's shoulder went straight into Caster's throat and she choked up. And then her eyes narrowed enough of this shit. "Trolldomspeil" Caster said as Saber was pressed up against her and in her hand was a instant glint as if something had caught a glare, and then she was holding a black version of Gram, which she raised up to swing at Saber. [/quote] Saber and Alysis's strategy didn't really require any great amount of teamwork; the plan was simple and straight forward, namely to deal with their counterpart and keep them off their partner's back. Saber cursed, and tried to turn himself so that his sword would be on the other side of his body and in position to block Caster's swing. Alysis's lightning was pulled towards the lighting rod,her binding not strong enough to force it to hold its course. Alysis cursed, and poured her magic into her body, energizing it to allow her to move and react quicker.