Yawning a little after a much needed nap, Dog gave a loud groan as she rolled along the floor as she pondered what to do. Maybe she'd go outside again, it was a nice day after all and she didn't want to waste it just sleeping. It be evening soon and then the darkness will come. Cat will be out then, and she hoped he didn't cause trouble for the other tenants, well then he already has. Poor Andy was probably freaked out after that little stunt her brother pulled. Doing whatever he wanted without a word of notice and without the say so of anybody else. At least though, he wasn't exactly hurting people, that's what she was worried most about. Walking into people's homes, eating their food, or jumping onto heir balcony was one thing and at least didn't cause harm... But all it took was one thing to set him off back on the streets. One move. One move and he'd just snap, be his unpredictable self. Be it just outright kill or be merciless and torture his victims. Honestly, she was surprised he hadn't had a incident for a whole year. Since they came here, he had kept his word in behaving as best as he could, but made no promise if he was provoked. Luckily, no one was dumb enough to do so. If they did, there would be a blood bath, and with this sort of place, she was unsure who would come out of it. And even if Cat didn't trust Jin, he never made a move on him or even said anything really bad. Just that he didn't trust him for the generous home given. It was understandable. The twins by looks alone didn't look like strays anyone wanted to take into their home. At first, Cat just stayed inside, practically sulking. After a month or so, he adapted and started doing his current routine in wandering around at night. Like a alley cat who thought he owned the neighborhood. Giving a sigh, shaking her head to rid the thoughts of her brother, she stood up and walked out of their apartment, shutting the door behind her. Pondering if she should try and visit Andy and apologize on behalf of her brother or just go outside. The boy probably didn't want any more visitors so she just decided to go outside. Heading down the stairs, she spotted Daniel once again, their one of the few paranoid neighbors named Stanley and Amelia. Grinning she waved to them and gave a cheerful smile. [b]"Hi again!"[/b] Dog cheered. [b]"Whatcha up to?"[/b] she asked.