Jeremiah was in deep concentration, his face scowering the waters. Nothing, he could see nothing. He was beginning to panic, it began to well up inside him an- a splash of water catches him and breaks his concentration, he scowls. He looks behind him at the two boys. "This ain't a freaking wat-" he begins, before shutting up at the realization that a girl was the reason why he was sprayed with water. His eyes catch hers, looking at her for a solid two seconds. "Stay put, and look around, we need to find the-" his eyes catch something that shimmers slightly in the water, and without hesitating, he stabs the spear as hard as he can at the shimmer. It jerked a bit, then the tension was gone. "I got the fish!" He yells. The water was now up to his waist. He brings the spear to himself and begins to tear up the fish, looking for the key inside. He didn't care about the fishes blood or its guts. He wanted that key.