[B][U]The Shadows Have Eyes[/U][/B] Fumiko head her phone ring an tapped the concealed ear piece she wore Hanzo: [B]"Miss Iga the things you requested are now packed an ready"[/B] Fumiko smiled happy for something to relieve her boredom and said [B]"Thank you Uncle, I shall arrive there in 3 minutes"[/B] Looking around herself Fumiko/Shadow Dancer raised her hood which filled with a shadow so complete that all that was visible of her face were two baleful yellow eyes that seemed to be a cross between a cat's and a snake's. She slid her left foot forward and as the tip of her Tabi boots came in contact with the shadow beneath couch she seemed to become an inky black smoke that feel into the darkness under the furniture. She was once more in her Domain the Shadow Realm as she shifted to her Dark form then took flight. Here she was the absolute, the giver and taker of life, a Goddess of Night but she was lonely. She flew swiftly through the dark city, past it's towers which were sinister mockeries of those in the Star City that humanity saw in their world. Her home swiftly hove into view, a fortress of deadly spikes which held pinned like the insects in a child's science fair display those creatures of darkness that had ignored her edicts or attempted to usurp her reign. Wandering the parapets of her fortress were Bodak and the dogs of this world Shadow Mastiffs. Few if any dared look upon her as she entered her home and was met by her women that were perfect copies of their mistress. Fumiko waved her shadow servants aside as she walked towards what looked like the glare of an arch light. It was the Walk-in closet she used to enter her home in the human realm and it was as dark as night when she stepped into it. She often marveled at how the laws of light could be bent by the simple concept of POV but didn't have time to ponder it at the moment. Shadow Dancer summoned two of her dopplegangers into the closet and paused as they picked up her packages. The trio then reentered the Shadow Realm and flew back to the Justice League's lair. Pausing amid the shadows Fumiko looked at the small room they'd assigned her for her use. It was to her eyes lit as brightly as a stage using several High-intensity discharge lamps to illuminate it. In fact it was only lit by a desk lamp and her bedside lamp but then she was a creature of darkness gazing into the world of light. She entered her room an doused her lights before she allowed her servants to enter. They stayed only briefly to set down their burdens then faded back into their home realm leaving Fumiko alone once more. Shadow Dancer sighed as she slipped back into the shadows to wander the League's complex once more. She knew she should be more social with these people who she now called teammates but she worried that they would discover her true form and shun her, so rather than risk it at this juncture she returns to the comforting shadows. Shadow Dancer leaves head quarters and flies to a section of the city that she's heard such horrible tales of. She drifts in and out of the shadows of the Triangle. Fought over many times in the past as the evil and good sought dominion the Triangle seems immune to change for any length of time and this day as so many before is no different than the last. The Triangle is a no man's land of sorts were gangs of thugs ply the various trades of their syndicates. A place where the desperate some how hang on amidst despair and oppressive truth. It is a dark place even in broad daylight and the perfect place for a Shadow Dancer to hunt her prey. She moves on the edge of the world of light and her own night world flowing into those places that instill fear in the mortal beings who live here. She feels nothing but anticipation, the hunger of a hunter. Gone now is Fumiko Iga the fine young woman know for her soft manner and kind heart. She is now replaced by Gekkabijin the Queen of Night or as she calls herself to mortals Shadow Dancer. She is a remorseless and tireless hunter of those with dark souls and her weapons many. How long she hunts seems pointless by still when she spots her prey she feels a thrill of expectation through her body like an electric shock. They are two young men who've just beaten another so badly that Shadow Dancer places a 911 call. When she is finished she spots her two prospects just before they enter a graffiti covered building that has a sign saying 221st street club. It is like all the other building around it 4 stories tall made of dun colored brick with rust fire escapes at the alley side of the building. Yes just like all the others except that the people who are forced to walk the street it sits on use the other side and move as if the building were a beast ready to devour them. "Perfect" thinks Shadow Dancer as she moves into the shadows near it's front steps. Those that instill fear are often unprepared to experience it themselves. Using the shadowy halls inside the building she begins a detailed resonance of what and who is where. 23 thugs inside 7 outside She smiles to herself as she notices that these gang members keep the lights low inside the clubhouse. She laughs softly in the shadows when she finds 8 of those inside watching a horror movie in a dark room with only one way out. She makes her first move there as she summons three of her warriors to create the first havoc. Her warriors appear behind those who've claimed the couch as their perch then wrap their arms swiftly around three necks and pull backwards dumping those there on their backs in a thrashing screaming pile as they fade unharmed back into the shadows. The others not understanding what just happened turn and look. It is then that a Shadow Mastiff summoned by his Mistress appears and swipes his paw across the TV smashing it to the floor and plunging the room into pitch black This gets the ball rolling. The thugs try and break for the door not knowing what's going on only to encounter the Mastiff which swats two of them screaming back among their friends. The three warriors appear in the darkness one snatching a gun from a thug as he draws it and then hits him across the forehead with the barrel. Shoving and kicking the warriors prevent those who draw their weapons from hitting their own and causing loss of life. Meanwhile the entire clubhouse is now alerted and some trying to enter the room but the mastiff's bulk blocks their efforts. Minutes pass till Shadow Dancer her's the beginning of the song of terror in her trapped prey's voices. It is only when the pounding of those outside becomes frantic and those inside begin begging an praying that she pulls back her Shadows. The one she saw as their leaders reveals his status when he walks in and begins shouting for answers and explanations. Meanwhile while the Boss tries to restore order two of his gang on other floors suffer attacks. One is walking towards the stairs when from an open door a Mastiff lunges out an grabs him in his jaws and drags him screaming into the dark room. Another thug suffers humiliation as well as fear when while sitting on the porcelain throne he his attacked by two shadow Warriors who disappear almost as quickly as they appeared. When they leave he is a frightened wreck damp with urine and bowel. Shadow appears out of the darkness at the end of a hall her hooded faceless figure staring at several of those still outside of the TV room. Her Yellow eyes glow dimly in her hood's shadow causing the thugs looking at her to pause before they reach for their weapons. She is replaced by a shadow warrior just as the thugs fire in her direction destroying it. She reappears behind them and screams a blood churning scream before fading back into the shadow realm