What could pass as a proud smile bloomed on Aurelia's lips. It was immediately noticeable that Evvie had stopped relying on brute strength, and had instead started to actually think her actions through before she attacked. [i]Good girl.[/i] Her smile, however, soon froze as a large rock came rocketing towards her. She dodged to the side, avoiding it with only a few centimetres. She felt the rock graze her hood. She had very little time to recover before another rock was thrown at her. It was close already, far too close. She raised her scythe and cleaved the air in front of her, splitting the rock in two before it hit her and stopping the attack. The two first had been avoided, but she wasn't to be so lucky with the third. She sensed it more than she saw it as it was thrown at her. Quick reflexes was all that saved her from several broken bones; a barrier of darkness sprung into existence in the path of the rock, a spiderweb of cracks appearing on its surface, only to crack completely as a fourth stone impacted on it, sending Aurelia flying backwards, clutching her scythe to herself. She groaned as she stood up, veering to the side and avoiding yet another rock. [i]Only a little more time,[/i] she mused, glancing at her scythe. She could feel it almost full with magical energy. Her eyes found Evvie again, and she knew that she had to do something about the dragonness. She pursed her lips, then smiled. With one hand she lifted her scythe above her head and brought it down. A ripple of dark energy spread out from where she stood, leaving a copy of herself every few metres, resulting in twenty copies of herself just standing there, watching. And then, all at once, they teleported, re-appearing in a difference place leaving no indicator for the real one's position. Aurelia stood a good 20 metres behind Evvie between two others, a very faint glow around the hand holding her scythe being the only clue that she wasn't an illusion. She smiled from beneath her hood. It wouldn't be long until she had gathered all the power necessary to finish this fight.