[b]Real Name:[/b] Ken Hygal [b]Alias:[/b] Deatho [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Champion City [b]Occupation:[/b] Thief / Vigilante [b]Costume:[/b] [URL=http://s180.photobucket.com/user/maximum241/media/vigilante_by_makkon-d5e7k34.jpg.html][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x223/maximum241/vigilante_by_makkon-d5e7k34.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Skills:[/b] Wall-jumping, lock-picking, slightly heightened awareness, evasive maneuvering [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] Nightstick Switchblade Blinding Gas Pellets [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Isn't the best hand-to-hand combatant. [b]Base of Operation:[/b] Junkyard Shed [b]Biography:[/b] Raised in his uncles junkyard, Ken had a rough upbriging in his younger days. Late at night- he'd always be kept awake by the warring gang factions and strangely enough found himself fascinated. By 17 he dropped out of highchool and began to thieve off old people for recreation. On one of his nights out, a gang of hoodlums broke into the junkyard and shot his uncle down- robbing the yard of its highest paying parts. Devastated from the loss, Ken vowed to clean the streets in honor of his fallen uncle and quickly adopted the alias of Deatho. ----------- If needed I can expand on the bio but that's what I got for now