Keira made her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room as she brushed by nobleman and touched them gently on the arms, or flashed a smile at the noble ladies. Yet always her eyes returned to the same target: a beautiful woman in her early thirties with dark blonde hair. Keira closed the remaining distance between them and smiled just in time for the woman to turn towards her and catch her glance. "Countess," said Keira, her smile warm and inviting as she addressed the Dieuwert heiress. "Surely you are looking for my brother, but I can't for the life of me figure out where he went," Keira continued jokingly. --- Tilyr chuckled at the mention of the galaxy being a utopia. "Far from it," said Tilyr. "They are at war, the Republic and an Empire. Both of them have sent envoys to us to try to pull us into their fold. My father wishes to join one of them."