"Very nice." William said tired and weary, having to make Iron, even rudimentary iron so quickly was a feat, that drained his mana. "Caster stop, and give me back Gram, the real Gram. You made us lose." He said turning to Caster in battle with Saber. Caster sighed, "Well meh, he left me no choice." Caster jumped back from the lock she was in with Saber, as the blackish purple mist rolled off the black Gram. She clicked her fingers once more and once again there was a glint and what seemed like a lens flare in her hand and Gram was gone, back to Williams hand. "Ms Woe, you aren't the only elemental here, but your lightning abilities are amazing capable of knocking down my earth and ice constructs, but I assume you are spending your lifeforce to do so. Regardless have you considered joining the House of Hel." He said raising the Saber Arcana card, before flicking it to her. "And any idea who Caster is? Seeing as she kinda lost the plot and used a Noble Phantasm, something looking now was unavoidable?"