Zachary walked along the road, towards the overturned bus, his baseball bat resting on his shoulder. There was a distinct stench of death and decay floating about the air as he got closer. Then, the first body became visible. The bus driver. He had bite marks all over his body and one single gunshot wound to his right temple. Zachary grimaced at the sight and readied himself with the bat, holding it with both hands just in case any walkers were lurking nearby. He rounded the bus and a horrid sight met his eyes. Corpses were sprawled about all over the place. Some had bite wounds, some had gunshot wounds and some had both. Blood ran through the cracks on the floor, and the ground around the bus was more blood than tarmac. He sighed as he crouched down to the nearest dead body. A woman, no older than thirty. She had a bite wound in her throat, and it was pretty deep. Zachary bit his tongue before running his hands through her pockets. He kept telling himself that it was survival of the fittest and she wouldn't need to use anything in her current state. He punched the floor lightly since he didn't find anything and decided to move onto the next one. That's when he heard the growling coming from behind him. Zachary span around, bat raised, to see three walkers shuffling their way towards him. There was about two and a half metres between them. That's when he noticed that more were crawling out from the wreckage of the bus, all the while groaning and moaning. Zachary turned to run, but tripped over another corpse that was just awaking. He decided it was time to go loud as he retrieved the pistol from his waist. Zachary levelled the barrel with the head of the walker who's lap he'd fallen into and pulled the trigger once. [b]BLAM.[/b] The walker's head jerked backwards with as the bullet entered through it's right eye and out the back of it's head. It's body fell back against the bus, like it was leaning against it, although it's brain was hanging out the back of it's head and was lopsided. Zachary scrambled up to his feet and saw the walker group was growing as it numbered around nine or ten from it's original three. Zachary panicked, aimed the firearm at the walkers and fired off a further three rounds. [b] BLAM. BLAM. BLAM.[/b] One hit a walker straight in the middle of it's forehead, killing it instantly, whereas the other two went stray and hit two other walker's in their arm and chest respectively. Zachary rounded the bus yet again and made a beeline for his car. He yanked the door open and dived straight in as a walker reached him and banged on the front of the vehicle. Zachary slammed his door and fumbled to get the engine on before putting the car in reverse and pulling away right as the rest of the walker group reached his car. His heart was beating so he thought of the only thing to calm him down. The radio. He switched it on and was met with a different message. "[i]All residents of Los Angeles are instructed to make their way to Camp Pendleton for immediate evacuation. If you can not make the journey, barricade your homes and military forces will rescue you within the coming weeks.[/i]" Zachary grinned as he switched the radio off, knowing he had a new plan.