Leonardo was livid when he reached the Humvee he opened the door silently as he looked inside back and front, there was no one in it motioning for the boy to get in the kid followed instructions and quickly jumped in through the passenger door and got in the passenger seat buckling himself in. Smart kid.... that was all that ran through Leonardo's mind as he pulled down the visor of the vehicle and the keys plopped out, he caught them in his hand as he started the vehicle, the vehicle had a good 3/4s tank of gas, more then enough to get the hell out of this place. Looking around Leonardo saw no infected around, they were all concentrating on the air strip where all the people had flocked too, fools all of them, this is what happened when people panicked, they didn't think they just.... did things and Leonardo could do nothing about it. Pulling back the throttle Leonardo put the humvee into drive and pulled out of the spot. Pulling off in a screech and a bunch of smoke Leonardo gunned the vehicle and went straight for the front entrance. Slowly looking in the rear view mirror he could see the infected in the distance, they had already infected most of the people who tried to escape, wiping his forehead Leonardo looked at the young boy and spoke. "Hang on tight kid" Leonardo then turned the wheel hard and made a complete half turn with a loud squeal of the tires and then pressed the gas pedal to the floor and went straight in the direction of the large horde of infected. As Leonardo speed forward for a split second he saw another Humvee pass him by, the people inside he did not know but he caught an old mans eye for a split second before they passed each other and he was out of sight, putting his eye's back ahead of him Leonardo came up on the large group of infected quickly and then with a quick turn of the wheel he turned the Humvee in another loud squeal of the tires, the back of the Humvee now in front of the infected Leonardo quickly climbed up and opened the panel to the 50. cal on top of the Humvee and put his body through. Leonardo slowly put his finger to the trigger as he checked the ammo feed and then with no remorse he pulled the trigger back full throttle and began to fire into the crowd of infected. "This is for John you mother fuckers!!!!!!" The 50. cal tore through the infected like a hot knife tore through butter, infected were cut in half in mere seconds as the stream of bullets ripped through their bodies and hit more infected behind them. Leonardo kept his finger on the trigger as seconds turned to minutes he never let up as he kept shooting more an more infected down, he was pissed that was obvious, this went on for minutes before the 50. cal ran out of bullets. Leonardo was breathing hard as he saw the bodies on the ground and the strip now looked like the blood pool of hell. Leonardo just sneered as more infected were already taking the place of the dead ones, slipping down back into the drivers seat Leonardo put on his own seat belt and gunned the vehicle once more and in a squeal and cloud of smoke he left the infected behind him. In moments Leonardo smashed through what remained of the front fence and hit the main road out of Camp Pendleton. The Camp quickly became small and soon enough it was out of sight as Leonardo looked in the mirror one last time before tearing it off the windshield in frustration and throwing it in the back. Looking over the young boy was sitting silently looking between Leonardo and the middle of the seats, sighing Leonardo put his hand on the boys shoulder. "We will be all right kid, we will make it, don't worry..." Leonardo spoke to the boy reassuringly even though at that point he did not believe his own words. In fact at that point he did not even care if the world was ever the same again. There was nothing left for him now and that was a fact he could not deny.