Jake had a hard time believing the situation everyone got themselves into already. All of this was so disorganized. Only four people knowing the plan including himself, Fitzy, Ryker and Deserae. These other two had no idea what was going on. In his mind, Cotton thought this type of structure had no chance against a planned, cold, and calculated gang system the Wolves probably adhered to. But, at the same time, the sense of surprise and improvisation had high value. A group that achieved their goals through unpredictable means had a significant advantage. After all, the Wolves had no clue to the reason he was there. His fists clenched. Uneasy around the sudden swarm of these gangsters. The man with a robotic arm caused him to think about drawing his concealed pistol. He considered putting his fist into both Minato and Knox's faces now that he knew Knox was a Lost One. These two drew far too much unwanted attention to themselves and at this point, it was getting them close to being killed. And, before he knew it, suddenly Minato stormed off with Knox in tow. That one had a lot of excess energy and was all over the place. As they disappeared back into the crowd, his eyes returned to meet Angel's. Unflinching. Victor hadn't left his mind either. Alert and prepared for any type of situation. He gulped down more of his Jack Daniels. Angel was sharp and already wary of him. Her appearance didn't fool him, so he was just as on edge as she was. At this point, he figured it might pay to keep her distracted. "I don't run with gangs. Don't know those two, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to watch out for some naive kid who doesn't know what he's getting himself into." Jake pulled out his pack of cigarettes and sat down. The alcohol calmed his nerves. There was a mixed look in his eyes. A resurfacing of his old self as a charming smile appeared on his lips. "And who is to say I didn't want to have a drink with you myself?" A warmth in his gaze. But, still a lingering coldness and a glint of sadness that never went away. "What do you say. You already know you're in good hands. And you have friends all around to protect you." He shot a quick glance to Victor. Shuffling a cigarette out of the pack, he held it out to Angel. "So. How about it, beautiful?" He hoped she would say yes. Keeping as many eyes off of Deserae was the best option at this point. She seemed like she knew how to handle herself. As long as the bookie was like most of the other guys around here, she'd be fine.