Real Name: Finley Harper Alias: Clockwork Age: 26 Gender: Female Place of Birth: Rochester, NY Occupation: Librarian Physical Appearance: About 5’ 5” with short brown hair (currently dyed blue) and brown eyes. Slim and slightly muscular. Fairly androgynous looking. Tends to wear button down shirts and slacks to keep a sort of professional appearance. Always wears running shoes. Costume: Goggles and a mask that covers her nose and mouth. A hooded leather jacket over a knife-proof vest and a gym tee. Gloves and elbow pads. Dark jeans and knee pads. Running shoes. Keeps knives in pockets and in jacket. Wears a backpack if she needs to carry spray paint. Baseball bat/whatever weapon attached to the back of her jacket. Skills: Decent with melee, decent with stealth, decent artist, decent free runner, good strategist, good memorization, excellent gymnast Equipment/Resources: Usually has a baseball bat or a metal pipe, some pepper spray, spray paint in an assortment of colors, and a knife or two. Has access to all sorts of reading material. Weaknesses: Not much in ways of protection, kind of a coward, will choose to run away more often than not, not well trained in fighting Base of Operation: Library Biography: Finley took gymnastics most of her life and even won a few medals in between studying for school and holing herself up in the library. After she graduated high school, she moved away from her parents and went to study Literature at a university. She found herself interested in historical and political writings among other things and dabbled a bit in art. She joined a free running club in hopes of keeping gymnastics in her life. She ended up going with a few of her fellow club members who used their abilities to try and get messages out to the general public via grafitti. She was hesistant at first, afraid she'd get in trouble, but found it a good way to make a point. After graduating, she took a job as Champion City's librarian, and continued to spread awareness of political/social/any type of corruption as Clockwork. -- Ugh, not the best. Let me know if something doesn't seem right or if something reads weird.