[b]Real Name:[/b] Francis Gray [b]Alias:[/b] The Friend [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Champion City [b]Occupation:[/b] Modern Arts Student in Local University [hider=Physical Appearance] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/02/59/c6025998b07a69397bbd81fbcc14bb04.jpg] He appears to be very skinny and slouches a lot, but it turns out he actually has quite a lean musculature, perfect for agility and swimming, and only slouches to make it seem like he is perpetually bored and indifferent. He has long unkempt oily black hair, from the complete lack of care put into it, and his skin is quite pale, to complete that "Basement dweller" look.[/hider] [b]Costume:[/b] His costume is a complete 360 from his everyday glum appearance, however. First of all, his mask is a simple yellow smiley face. You know the one. It has a back part covering his hair, and is also in yellow. Additionally, he wears a yellow tracksuit, not unlike Bruce Lee, but on the front of the tracksuit top is yet another smiley face, as if the one covering his face is not enough. His gloves are actually just SWAT gloves spray-painted yellow, while his boots are thick black construction boots, perfect for rib-cracking, ass-kicking action! He has a pistol holstered on his left side for emergencies only, holsters for two cans of spray paint on his right, and a clip on his back that he can attach his spear to whenever he doesn't need it. [b]Skills:[/b] Really agile, and as such is quite good at parkour, and dodging attacks. He can use his spear quite well, but is no stranger to improvised weapon fighting either, and is able to utilise his environment effectively. He can also pick locks if need be, but prefers to kick doors down when he can. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] The Friend uses a glossy black metal spear as his weapon of choice, which has secret compartments in the end to hold smoke pellets and tiny canisters of mace. He also carries two cans of spray paint (Yellow and Black) to paint his calling card all over the city, just so the bad guys know who to fear. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Really terrible with a gun. Like REALLY terrible. It should be stressed that the gun holstered to his side is to be used for emergencies ONLY, and even then, he'd much rather have someone else use the gun than him. In addition, while he may have been bullied a lot when he was younger, he can't really take much of a beating due to his small frame. [b]Base of Operation:[/b] The rooftop of his dormitory, since people hardly go up there. He keeps an inconspicuous crate up there in which his equipment is kept. [b]Biography:[/b] Francis was born in the suburbs of Champion City, to a loving family, in a lovely home in a lovely neighborhood, and all was well. Of course, that is not really the case, because why would that make an interesting backstory for a vigilante? His path to vigilantism began when his parents divorced when he was 12 years old. His mother won custody of him, but she had to move into the city, since his dad was indeed the breadwinner in the family, and as such, was the one who could afford to live in a lovely neighborhood. Francis's life from then on was a struggle, as his mom resorted to heavy drinking, trying to cope with the stress of living in the city, working for minimum wage in order to support herself, her impending drinking problem, and of course, her son who she now had to take care of. Francis himself ended up in an inner city middle school and eventually high school, where he had to learn to defend himself against the cesspool where future gang members were raised in an inadequate educational setting. It was at the age of fifteen when Francis decided that he would dedicate his life to making Champion City into something other than a shithole, something reminiscent of the lovely suburbs where he was raised. He decided he would rid the city of scum like goddamn Steven Trimble stop shoving my face into the dirt my face isnt supposed to go there you fucking asshole. He began to create an introverted secret identity, which was quite easy as he never really made friends in school anyway, and put up barriers around himself so that people would begin to ignore him. Most people would stop trying right there, but for Francis, this was the beginning. He spent all of his free time training himself on the rooftop of his apartment building, and he knew his mother wouldn't care because by then, booze became her life; yet another reason for Francis to hate the scum of the city. At the age of 18, he enrolled in University to "study" modern arts, when he was really just there because the assignments were just as simple as "Find a bunch of crap, call it art, and submit it." ((Apologies to any modern arts students out there)). He moved out of the house to make it easier on his mom since she wouldn't need to work to support him anymore, and thus, Francis accepted the burden of STUDENT DEBT (Although he would be able to pay it back with money stolen from criminals). Modern Art School actually became quite useful to him as one of his first assignments happened to involve metalwork. He fashioned a spear for himself, submitted it, and that very evening decided that he would begin his crusade, by stealing his own spear from the university's art room. Stealing is not a great start to a life of fighting crime, but I digress. His first few outings as a vigilante were quite confusing to him, as he believed he looked exactly like the criminals he was fighting, since he wore a hoodie with a bandana over his mouth. He began to feel like he was no different to the scum of the city, and was almost ready to give up, until he heard about the Green Skull, who gave him hope, and an idea as to how he could make himself not look like a dirtbag criminal. He purchased a blank metal mask on the internet (With eyeholes, obviously), and he painted it with a smiley face, just to make sure people would NEVER guess that glum, brooding, Francis Gray was actually The Friend. This was also a persona that expressed his true desire, friendship, and how he must sacrifice such a burden for the sake of the city. Hopefully The Friend would meet other like-minded individuals, and Francis Gray would finally be able to have friends and a life in a newly reformed Champion City, free of crime.