"No...no that's quite alright." Phillip blinked in realization after noticing that Amy was talking to him. "You're free to stay here and work as much as you want. But the raise is not negotiable." He looked at his maid with an empty stare but mustered just enough to make a stern and serious look. "You're getting that raise Amy. No questions asked. That's final." Standing up from his sitting position on the couch, Phillip traced a finger over his eye-patch before shuffling away from the living room and up the stairs. "I'm going to bed," he called out. "Amy...please try to get along with Ariel." With that said, Phillip entered his own chambers like a silent ghost. "Oh dear. The Master must be stressed." Ariel's kind voice rang out as she stood near the doorway, having witnessed the whole event unfold. "Come along Miss Jones. We should retreat into our own living quarters for the night. Besides, there's something I'd like to discuss with you in private." As if to emphasize her statement, a streak of lightning lit the tiny room, accompanied by an ominous boom of thunder. Leading Amy back to the room she found her unpacking, Ariel paused before taking a few steps towards Amy. "My, my, you must have done something to make him want you to stay like that. In the past, the only servant he's never eventually turned away was...well, me. Anyway, I was sent by Phillip's father, Richard Henderson. You see, I've worked so long for the Hendersons that I guess you could consider me a sort of family associate towards them. So please, forgive me if I offended you with my words or actions! I didn't mean it; Phillip's father is a very powerful man after all. I hope we can be fellow workers in the field and maybe even....friends." Ariel then took a small bow to show her appreciation to the other girl. "But...." In one quick moment, Ariel stood mere inches away from Amy's face. Still smiling, she leaned in to Amy's ear and let out a small breath of warmth. "Listen good, because I absolutely hate repeating myself," she whispered. "The Master knows me longer than you could possibly fathom....he is mine. If I even suspect of you placing him in danger...then you might find yourself dealing with more than just unemployment Amy. I crave for Phillip....I will stand by his side....I can't say the same for you. Come between me and him like that again...and [i]there[/i] will be problems. Is that understood." Backing away, Ariel flashed her an innocent smile. "Ok?"