Lara looked up in confusion. Where was that voice comming from? She didn't have a lot of time to think about that though. A shark suddenly came falling out of the sky towards her. The girl got pushed away by one of the guys into the water. But type shark wasn't interested in the boy. His master commanded him to go after the girl. He quickly turned around going after Lara once again. She noticed a little door in the floor. She swam towards it as fast as she could, but of course a shark is a lot faster at swimming then a human. It didn't take long for the shark to catch up on her. Lara was pulling on the handel of the door but it seemed to be stuck. She desperatly looked up at the figures of the guys above her, they should be able to force the door open. But it was to late now. The shark was racing towards her at top speed. Lara closed her eyes and held her hands in front of her in fear when suddenly... She saw a desert before her. She smelled the sand and could feel the heat from the sun on her skin. She could feel the sand under her feet. For a moment she felt what the shark did. She opened her eyes and saw the shark lying on the floor acting like a fish on land would. Lara quickly was do the surface gasping tot air. For a moment she wondered what had happened. Before realising.. "Door... the door on the floor isn't locked Guys! This voice is just messing with us!"