Millie knew exactly how she looked, standing there in her monochrome outfit that brought out her tanned skin, her décolletage tantalizingly on show, as well as her flat stomach. [I]Knox[/i] as she understood his name was, looked her over and she could see in his eyes that he was doing the classic guy thing and appreciating her body. "Oh, I don't know." She told him, turning her back to the bar and resting her elbows on it, "He was cute, it was his suggestion. I've never actually been down this way before," She glanced up at Deon in the box, "He's pretty good, huh?" She noted. [i]"Wait," he said suddenly. "You're not gonna seduce me for information, are you?"[/i] She frowned, like she had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't look very old, and he was almost definitely younger than her, but he was taller, clasically bigger built. She didn't know what his temperment was when it came to girls and she had met men who had no problem being violent towards them. Hell, she had [i]fought[/i] men who had no problem beating up women, though a fair few of them were no longer around, Hayden, Deon or one of the other Wolves dealing with it for her, after she came home bruised and sore. If Knox found her out, though, she could be in big trouble. The frown on her face gave way to raised eyebrows and a smirk. "Boy, I'm in the wrong place if that's the kind of shit that goes on down here." She joked, teasing him. She smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Amy." Noone outside of the Wolves knew her as anything other than Millie, so there was an extremely limited possibility that he would trace that back. Anyway, it was better to have a name she knew she would answer too, instead of changing it completely and immediately giving away her cover as soon as he shouted her name across the crowded bar.