"Captain!" Nolan pretty much bounded through the doors, eyes as wide as saucers and arms flailing around in a frenzy. He threw himself to the captain's side only to have her say she was fine. "Are you sure? Do you hurt anywhere? Do you want me to get an extra pillow or some pain killers?" It was hard not let his brotherly instincts kick in, Runa was as young as one of his little sisters after all, but then again she was their captain. The cook cleared his throat and took a step back. "Sorry, sorry, it's good to see you're all patched up captain." Nolan gave her a hesitant smile then nodded. They couldn't sit around, they still had a lot of things to do. The Stardusk pirates stepped out of the room only to see a grand feast thrown in their honor. Nolan gaped at how beautiful everything looked. Maybe he could ask the queen for some of the recipes? He was sure his friends would appreciate it. "We couldn't just let those meanies take over the kingdom." He flushed at the way they were being treated then grinned at the princess. This was the fanciest meal he had ever seen and he wondered if it was the same for some of his other crew mates. "Aye, aye, captain." He gave her a salute then spun around to face the royals. "Thank you very much!" Nolan tensed up then took a bow. Maybe being a pirate would be a chance to help people? Haha, maybe being a pirate would actually be a good thing. His thoughts returned to the fight to save Waterdeep, but as soon as he remembered the man he had shot, he lost his appetite. Murdered and hero, he couldn't see the words in the same sentence. Sure, they had saved the princess but they had also sent a lot of pirates to Davy Jone's locker. Did they really have that right? It wasn't the time to contemplate. He mustered a smile. "Your majesty, this is absolutely astounding! Could I perhaps ask for a recipe?"