Katelyn looked up at Autumn and listened to his speech and smiled softly making it slightly better, she looked back at Ashley again and lightly ruffled her hair. "I'll take care of you alright?" She said softly, Katelyn looked at her older sister as Marshall directed the newer guys towards her and wondered if she was okay with making the decisions for the group. Maria's eyes looked a Conell as he got out of the pickup truck just the look of him made her not trust him at all but she didn't say anything then her eyes went to look at Bryan in the LAPD police cruiser wondering what he had planned either joining the group. Sophia shrugged slightly it was Marshall's decision to bury Luke's body either way he would like it. "Yeah I've dealt with fans before to be honest I don't think i'd be a good leader but I guess we can for now." Sophia said watching Marshall walking back towards the pickup and Conell approaching her and smiled softly wiping the tears away from her face quickly regaining her composure. "Your allowed to stay with us, regardless of whatever your past is I don't care." Sophia then gestured towards her sister Ash Autumn and Marshall. "However if you betray us then we will kick you out on the spot." Sophia then pointed to Katelyn. "And my sister over there she is the closest person I have left, so if you do hurt her or do anything funny I will shoot you personally." Sophia said in a serious tone and then leaned herself up against the hood of the pilot. "Other then that pull your own weight in the group and that's it." Sophia said and looked towards the others again. "Grab what you guys can from the cars and whatever gas is left in the tanks try and take it out if its not empty, we will leave in thirty minutes then we are going to go to Marshall's place." Sophia said looking back at Conell again. "Welcome to the group."