"Your allowed to stay with us, regardless of whatever your past is I don't care." “Thank you.” Conell spoke, smiling. That was rather easy. Maybe these people were still trusting after all. Though it was definitely debatable on whether or not that was a good thing. For now it was though, for him at least. He wondered briefly whether the latter part was genuine. Did she really not care? Or did she just think she wouldn't care. Either way the words “I melted a pedo with sugar water, beat a bloke to death in prison and then killed another argumentative asshole escaping” weren't coming out of his mouth any time soon, that was for damn sure. Sophia then gestured towards her sister, Ash, Autumn and Marshall. "However if you betray us then we will kick you out on the spot." She then gestured to another girl. She looked rather like Sophia, but didn't seem to hold the same confidence despite being just as beautiful. Different lifestyles he guessed. "And my sister over there she is the closest person I have left, so if you do hurt her or do anything funny I will shoot you personally." Sophia said in a serious tone and then leaned herself up against the hood of the pilot. “Don't worry Sunshine, I'll be on my best behaviour, promise.” Conell smirked, giving the young woman as innocent a smile as he could muster. He had made a promise, and he kept his word whenever he could, but of course his best behaviour wasn't all that great so it wasn't exactly an enormous commitment. "Other then that pull your own weight in the group and that's it." Sophia said and looked towards the others again. “I will.” Conell spoke, giving her a friendly nod and joining her in turning to face everyone else. He wondered whether he should speak to anyone else but now probably wasn't the best time. They had shit to do, and more importantly shit to get through. He'd make friends later. “Grab what you guys can from the cars and whatever gas is left in the tanks try and take it out if its not empty, we will leave in thirty minutes then we are going to go to Marshall's place." Sophia said looking back at Conell again. "Welcome to the group." “Cheers Sunshine, speak to you later.” Conell smiled, walking off to check out some of the cars. He needed some more supplies and maybe he could find something to score points with some of the group, if he had any luck.