[i] What a peculiar day.[/i] Vivienne wasn't too fond of change, though she did enjoy the adventure here and then. Was that a contradiction? No, she didn't think so. Since there was a difference between taking a new way through town versus leaving town. Vi usually stuck to the first route of adventure, but not today. Her hip bone carried most of the weight from the carton of eggs as she reached the general store with out too much hassle. A journey she tracked to almost every morning when she wanted to get some gold from her egg sales. Hearing the commotion from inside there could only be one explanation; G and Zeke were having a selling day. Often they crossed paths in town, but didn't have too much in common. Perhaps mutual respect was the best way to describe their relationship. Vivienne was amazed by the things G crafted, and the peck family did a lot of business in return; things such as horseshoes, tools, and other miscellaneous requests by the Mrs. Using her free hand she opened up to the door and gave a grin and a cheerful [i]"Morning, gentleman'"[/i] to the two. Zeke sat idle waiting for something from Pearl. [i] "He must want be looking for something from Pearl."[/i] Vivienne thought to herself, knowing that the dog would have bounded to her with various kisses if that wasn't the case. Placing the carton of eggs up on the counter, Vivienne started speaking without too much detail to whatever the two had been doing when she got there. When not in the eyes of her mother, Vi could be quite the loud and spunky type. [i]"I've got 20 eggs here. I'm looking to sell or trade you at least 15 of em."[/i] she started. [i]"I've got to drop some off with Leon as promised."[/i] her fingertip ran along the top of the counter only to reveal a streak in the pile of soot that laced the top. Vi pulled her hand back in surprise, wiping it off on her pants as to not be caught red handed of sorts. [i]"What are you thinking Pearl?"[/i] Vi asked, giving him a cheerful smile. [i]"I've been eyeing those new boots that came in, but I know the eggs aren't worth nearly as much. But I'll be willing to trade ya' something for em. You know you can trust my word!"[/i] she gleamed, waiting to hear answers.