Luro put his hands behind his head as they were escorted to the castle, he still wanted to catch the captain asleep but Nolan was right she needed to rest he still pouted a little at it. He didn't mind that the guards didn't trust them, he couldn't help but smile a little seeing they had to be nice, a small chuckle escaped from him and he glanced back at one of them giving a small wink. When the nurses took care of them Luro tilted his head at the idea since he didn't get hit too much but he wasn't going to pass up the offer especially if it was coming from a young lass but when he noticed his nurse was old enough to be his grandmother he held up a hand indicating he was fine a little sadness in his voice, unfortunately his no was ignored and Luro gained a memory to suppress later as they left. Once they got to see the captain Luro ruffled his hair seeing she was already awake, he let out a small sigh but smiled seeing she was fine, he knew the captain would be okay but seeing it for himself still brought a bit of relief. Luro followed the captain adjusting his rifle wondering if he could ask Kai where the tavern would be now, they were leaving so it was a good chance and when they saw the royal family he could ask if he could have one of their chairs. Luro grinned at the idea as they entered the room, his smile faded however as his eyes widened at the huge feast in front of them. "Look at all that food, it's too bad we can't-" Luro cut himself off when the queen spoke to them mentioning something about saving the kingdom and that feast being for them, Luro glanced over at the others before looking back at the queen as he was hugged, he blinked a few times but grinned and started to hug her back but it was broken before he had the opportunity, in the end the king was right there so it might have been for the best, he was even being really formal which made Larel rub the back of his head feeling a little guilty for enjoying that. He looked over at Ray and Kai the whole matter of saving the town still confusing him a little. "Hey when did we save the kingdom?" Luro said tilting his head. "I feel like I'm missing something." Luro started counting on his fingers what happened, they got to Waterdeep, met some pirates, killed those pirates, killed more pirates, almost killed the guards then Waterdeep was saved, at least that's what he remembered doing. He decided not to question it agreeing with the captain on accepting their hospitality especially since the queen mentioned drinks and he wasn't about to turn that down, never turn down a drink especially a free one...unless it's poisoned but since he never new if they were or not he just didn't say no just in case they weren't. Seeing the princess Luro brought a hand to his chin, the princess was a kid he assumed she was a young lady this little girl had some weight on her shoulders, he smiled respecting that a little. "I don't know about the reward point of doing it Captain, I'm not used to this kind of thing. Now having weapons pointed at my face, I'm far more comfortable with that. Still since they have drink no reason to refuse." Luro looked over at the chest for a moment but his attention went back to the throne chair his eyebrows arching, that was his kind of treasure but that would come later for now there was something more important "Let's celebrate! servant person over there," Luro said pointing at one of the servants. "Point me to your nearest bottle of drink." Following the finger of the servant Luro ran over to the table and grabbed one of the wine bottles by the neck ignoring the glasses nearby, he started to bring it to his lips but remembered that he was in front of royalty which meant he had to have manners. "Oh right gotta be fancy...uh...I think I hold it like this," Luro said moving the bottle to his left hand. He grabbed hold of the neck of the bottle holding it with his forefinger and thumb, was he supposed to put his pinkie out, no that didn't seem right and this was a bottle not a cup anyway, how was he supposed to hold a bottle fancy? With a shrug Luro just wrapped his whole hand around it, he at least tried to act formal anyway. By then he noticed Danny was behind him staring over at the table, he grinned listening to her before holding his arms out motioning the whole table. "Then we just gotta eat it all so there's not so much! We'll drink, eat, dance and drink again! Oh except the princess since she's recovering but you all-" Luro cut his sentence off and pointed at the royal family and Haru grinning as he did so. "Are not excluded from the drinking tonight, first one to fall loses and has to drink more anyway hahahahaha!" Luro raised his arm in the air still holding the wine bottle before turning back towards the table. "If you don't hurry I won't save anyone any!" Luro immediately started on the food throwing piece after piece in his mouth and drinking the wine as he did so. "Oh this is the fancy wine we gotta get some of this! I still prefer my rum though but this isn't half bad! Oh wait there's a fork here ah it'll just slow me down, man this is so good but it doesn't have Nolan love in it, I wonder if he knows how to make this? Man it's no wonder Kai like this place so much!" Luro continued lost in his own world as he devoured anything within arms reach grinning all the while.