Alexa stopped chasing after Kali and the shooter as soon as she felt the rumble of the explosion. She cursed herself, wishing she had been there to assist with the chase. Instead she had a big fucking hole in her shoulder and the shooter got away. Not to mention Kali having to deflect an explosion all on her own. Alexa dropped her barrier and checked her wound. As expected, the medi-gel had not held up, and Alexa was losing blood quickly. She felt around her shoulder blade; it was intact, for the most part. She'd have to get that checked out. Alexa turned back towards the plaza; she hadn't even made it fifty feet, even though she felt as if she had been running for ages. As much as she hated to admit it, that gunshot wound was taking a much larger toll on her than expected. As she started walking back to the plaza, Alexa's head began to spin. Adrenaline and medi-gel were great sedatives, but once they wore off, the reality of her injury hit Alexa like a dreadnought. Kali's words spun around in her head meaninglessly for several moments before Alexa registered that she was being asked a question. "I'm going to kill that piece of shit," Alexa replied, her words slow and slurred. She double checked to make sure she was on a private line to Kali. "This hole is fucking up my day. I'm losing blood and I can't feel my arm. Tell Michael that I appreciate the thought, but his medi-gel application sucked." Alexa had to smirk. She was grateful that he had done what he could, but there was no way she'd thank him without slapping on some kind of negative, as well. When she reached the plaza, Alexa almost collapsed on the ground next to Michael and Yarsin's corpse, her Locust dropping on the ground next to her. She was much paler than normal and had broken into a sweat, her blood dripping down her arm. Alexa pressed her hand into the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding. She made a silent vow to herself to put one hole in the attacker's body for every ounce of blood she lost.