[i]'There it is...the scent had led me to a young doe. It should be able to fill me for now.'[/i] The young doe was searching around in the snow for something to eat, unaware of a hungry she-wolf watching. The doe started pushing some of the snow away, until she found some blades of grass. Fuchsia colored eyes were narrowed, and the white she-wolf started slowly making her way towards her prey. She wasn't making a sound, using the snow to muffle any sound she would be making. After all, she was one with the snow. Nature's Blizzard in the form of a wolf. Once she was close enough, Snowflake the Arctic wolf, made her move by jumping towards a now startled doe. Before the creature could do anything, a pair of jaws were clamped around her neck then it was all over with a snap. Snowflake grabbed her kill, dragging it towards a little spot she found. Once there, she began to eat her fill while thinking about her sister and the kind of pack she would join. "I wonder if I can find either..."