I just left my boyfriend of 6 months, who is also my best friend. I didn't want to but I don't have time to be in a relationship... I'm a single mother and full time student, I have one friend whom I see once a month or two becuase I'm so busy. This guy, he waited around to see me for a few hours a week for 6 months, he would do anything for me. But I can't give him more time hat I don't have. So I let him go, he deserves to find a girlfriend who has time to spend with him and be there for him. I never told him that I love him, even though I have for a long time now. He's the most special person in my life and the best friend I could ask for. But I can't just sit there and lead him on, telling him "oh I'll have more time for you next semester" or "maybe after item you son to bed" every single day, and it never happening. He shouldn't have to hide his own feelings because he doesn't want to make me feel bad for having priorities. His feelings are just as important. But he's too good of a man to make me feel bad about not having Time for him. Bah. I just, ugh, I didn't want to leave him. But really, what kind of person would I be if made a guy that genuine stand in the shadows waiting for his girlfriend to find some time to give him while he sits and keeps quiet about how hard it is for him. A monster, that's what. So... How do you all deal with breakups? It's been a few years since I've dealt with one so I'm not really sure what to do with myself.