Collaboration between GhostShadow as Henry Carlyle and GuardianAngelHaruki as Dr. Faye Stevenson *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Henry left the pawnshop feeling quite pleased with himself. One visit landed him his sister's diary, a new job, and now some kind of storybook. He reached into his pocket for his key, letting it go to its normal spot around his neck. The feel of the item against his neck gave him comfort, like a lifeline. He let his eyes close and let out a deep sigh before continuing on his journey - now to Storybrooke general hospital. The drive wasn't too far, as it seemed all the important locations were conveniently placed not too far from each other. He was whistling some ancient song from about 80 years ago when he stepped through the automatic door, keeping both books tucked securely under his arm. He stepped up to the receptionist's counter, offering a friendly smile of greeting before speaking. "Hello, I'm looking for a...Dr. Stevenson." He requested, rocking back and forth slightly as he looked about the sterilized environment that was the hospital. The receptionist who had been staring and writing on the papers at her desk, looked up grumpily at Henry as she chewed her gum loudly. She sneered with a nasily voice, "Dr. Stevenson is a busy woman. If you don't have an appointment or there's no emergency, then I suggest you wait," When it seemed that Henry wasn't making a move towards the chairs, she narrowed her gaze at him and warned "I'm watching you Mister...Watching," As soon as Henry was far enough away, the receptionist paged Dr. Stevenson. Meanwhile, Dr. Stevenson walked down the halls speaking irritably to Dr. Whale, "Dr. Whale, You're supposed to check Leroy's throat before you prescribe him with medication! Now cancel that prescription!" She sighed as Dr. Whale walked off to do as Dr. Stevenson ordered. She received the paging from the receptionist counter, and she headed over. She reached the receptionist and she asked politely and in a friendly manner, "What seems to be the problem, Ms. Lezowski?" The receptionist pointed and answered, with more respect towards Dr. Stevenson than she showed to Henry, "That man wishes to see you, Dr. Stevenson," Faye looked to where the receptionist was pointing. She blinked at the sight of the stranger. She was curious about the new stranger that walked into the hospital, but she shook off the slight shock and she walked up to the stranger. She greeted, "Hello, I'm Dr. Faye Stevenson. You wanted to see me?" Henry almost couldn't believe his eyes when the doctor finally entered the waiting room - it was Dr. Jekyll...and yet, it wasn't. An echo, a ripple in the water, maybe. But not the "real" Jekyll. "Oh, uh, hello." He greeted somewhat awkwardly, quickly regaining his composure. "Henry Carlyle, pleasure to meet you. I came here to find out information about reading to a coma patient...something along those lines?" He inquired, still getting over the strange feeling of seeing someone who could be considered a 'friend' now as a complete stranger in front of him. Faye noticed his shock and his awkward greeting and quick recovery of composure. She didn't point it out though as she listened to him state why he was here. After he did, she smiled happily and said "Oh! You're here to volunteer. I'm sure Ms. Jane Doe would be happy to have someone read to her," Of course Faye was making a mental note to keep an eye on the stranger and have his background checked. It was better to be safe than sorry and lose a patient's life. She said to him, her smile still on her face, "Please follow me. I'll show you to Ms. Jane Doe," She then turned to lead him to the back room where Jane Doe was. As she walked down the halls with the stranger, she told him in a friendly tone, "The rules for volunteering are quite simple. Just come in during visiting hours, and read to her during that time. We'll have your volunteer badge ready for you the next time you come. If she wakes up, hit the Call Nurse button on her bed," She then started a bit of small talk as they continued walking, "So, Mr. Carlyle, was it? What brings you to our quaint little town?" Henry nodded in understanding as she went over the rules, his face taking on the expression of slight discomfort when she asked why he came to Storybrooke in the first place. "Oh, I dunno, wanted a slight change of pace to something smaller - more peaceful." He answered with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "New York was too busy for me, but I feel I could love this town." He finished hopefully with a small smile as they both walked down the hall. Faye smiled at his answer and said "I see. I do hope you enjoy your stay in Storybrooke," She then reached the door that led into Ms Doe's room, and she stated "Ah, here we are," She lifted the badge to the scanner and unlocked the door. She opened it and let Henry and herself in. She stated "Here she is," Henry stepped through after Faye did, stepping into the main body of the room; only to be hit by another shock. The woman on the bed was no Jane Doe - at least not to him. The same black hair (albeit much shorter), the pale skin, even the color of her lips which still carried a hint of red. He slowly approached the bed, no other sounds around him except for the steady [i]beeping[/i] of the heart monitor. "Snow..." He said in a hushed tone, just barely above a whisper as he looked down upon the only person who he ever let come close to him since Alice...and she was a husk. Faye blinked in surprise when Henry had a look of shock cross his face and she watched as he slowly approached the bed. After he stated that one word in a whisper, and she asked "Snow....Is that her name?" After she caught his attention, she said to him, "Mr. Carlyle, if you know anything about her, please let me know. It is important that we contact her family and friends, they may be very worried about her," Henry was silent, still as a statue as his eyes were plastered on the woman who was his friend - his only friend. Hearing Faye's voice, he turned his head slowly, his face grim and serious. ", I don't know her. She just, reminded me of someone I knew once..." He looked back at Snow for a moment. "I have no idea who this person is." He said as a final word, his voice quiet and shaky. Faye raised an eyebrow at his answer. From his tone of voice, she could guess that Henry was remembering something tramautic, but she couldn't shake off the gut feeling that he was lying. She sighed through her nose and she said sadly "I see. That's unfortunate," "Yes. Quite." Henry responded in a curt manner, letting his fists clench and unclench to release some of the shock. "Is there anything else you needed to cover with me for volunteering, doctor?" He asked in a neutral tone, trying to switch the subject. Faye answered Henry, "No, no. I believe I have told you all that you need to know. I will be in here as you read to Jane Doe though, as a precaution," She shrugged and said optimistically, "Who knows? Maybe she'll wake up as you read to her," "Maybe...maybe." Henry repeated, forcing a small smile of hollow optimism. He sauntered to the corner of the room, grabbing one of the chairs by the armrest and pulling it closer to the bed. He sat down, making sure to obscurely hide the diary in his coat pocket before opening the larger book. "Well, let's begin, shall we?" He asked, knowing full well there would be no response. "Let's start with a personal favorite of mine: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." He proclaimed with a genuine smile before beginning to read aloud from the book. "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?' So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her....."