[b]Name:[/b] Carter Preece [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/-kxNHoRtmS8Y/UeLMX40O2YI/AAAAAAAAAIE/7_OzBG6wb2g/s400/blairr.jpg[/img] [b]Eye color:[/b] [img]http://www.66-contact-lenses.com/images/color/baby_blue.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Carter is a more reserved type of guy who has a good sense of humor as long as he's with the right kinds of people. Growing up as a Uislon has hardened him over time, making him more paranoid and irritated than anything else. He has a taste for revenge, but is the type who will most likely lurk in the shadows than to head straight into a fight. Carter has held an insecure complex of keeping quiet about political affairs, and even though he's taking action now he still feels angry at himself at times. [b]History:[/b] Carter lived a comfortable life, or so he used to think when he was young. His family protected him from speaking or learning about the Mundanes, and he only learned about them through his childhood friend Asa. As he started growing older, the lives of Uisilons changed when the Mundanes killed the political group, and there was no escape from everyone chatting about it. Carter didn't know what to think, up until the tragedy of Asa and his sister Hostia's mother dying, and then his sisters excution not so long after. It was then when Carter started realizing he had to think for himself and start caring about the political affairs of their people. Carter joined Asa's group and their efforts to fit in with the Mundane life in order to get their revenge. [b]Rank:[/b] Silver [b]Power:[/b] Mental hold under mundanes [b]Stance on whether or not to retaliate against the Mundanes(Reason Why):[/b] "I say we've been exiled for too damn long. Why should we keep waiting around like this when we could be fighting back?"