"What are you-mmpf!" Sasha's eyes widened and she spluttered about when Zendrea's lips met her own. Watching the while exchange in cool silence, Ariel's eye twitched slightly, the only indicator of her annoyance. Gasping for breath, Sasha glared up at the demon. "I don't roll that way," she spat. The healing on her body did nothing to quell her own irritation. "Look, I'm just gonna warn you about her, but if you disregard it then that's fine by me. Not my fault if you're an idiot who wants to die." Scowling, Sasha propped herself on her arms and looked into Zendrea's eyes. "I'm sure you already know that....thing is the Angel of Death. You're also aware that she's not exactly right in the head too. That monster is insane. She goes around killing others for [i]fun[/i]. Not because of some duty in her role, but because she gets a kick out of it! It happens all the time...she seduces a random human, changing her persona to meet the needs...and right when they fall for her, she takes their life. Simple as that." In response to these accusations, Ariel only smirked. "Is there a point to all this Sasha? Does my intent matter at all?" Sasha directed her hate-filled stare at her. "Oh we haven't gotten to the best part. You know, the part where we speak about your powers?" Ariel's smile dropped, the air suddenly turning an icy cold.