Flint looked to the young girl, he found it so odd that she could be so... normal... despite what horrid things she fights on a daily basis. He shook away the thought as he pondered what Yuki had said. "Sure we can go bowling if you want" Flint smiled, feeling Yuki deserved the break. He went into his wallet and figured he had enough money as the two moved into the main street. The streets where a lot busier further away from all the action that had just occurred. This part of town was known for it's crime rate and so Flint was constantly on look out. Flint glanced over to find a small girl sat on the floor, people walked past uninterested and as Flint and Yuki walked closer they could see the sign the girl had, it read: 'Need Food Please' Flint felt terrible, she was probably a cursed child as it was common for them to be homeless, abandoned by people who think the cursed where disgusting and inhuman. A group of men walked over and began antagonizing the poor girl, knocking over her money can and telling her how disgusting she was. Flint looked to Yuki and knew what they should do. The pair began to walk over, the four men did not see them approach.