[quote=Serperion] Nicola laughed at this, taking Alysis' hand. "I like this one Bill." And then laughing at Alysis' comment."I'm a much better mage than my brother, he may be stronger physically but I have always left him in the dust when it comes to magecraft. As a first year you did well, albeit against a mage who sucks as a mage and a Caster whose magic was nerfed, but I think we could be friends no?" Nicola asked before turning to Caster. "What do you think Grimmy?"Caster sighed, "Well I was trying to give her an apple when you rudely interrupted Nordica." "Argh, only my parents call me Nordica, and that's only for official family shit, or when I have been bad." Nicola responded.Caster raised an eyebrow as if to say, now was one of those times. A little further way towards the edge of the Snow Quad, another blond set of siblings, twins were watching and talking. 3rd Years."So Ella, what do you think?" Said the male of the two. "That Saber was good even without the use of his Noble Phantasms, if she decides to summon him using her newly won Arcana, it could be problematic, we can't allow the head mage two years in a row to be from the House of Hel." Said the girl."True facts, if it comes to it Berserker can handle him." The brother responded.The girl smiled and slowly a blonde man in blue robes materialised behind her, his eyes glowing blue. "Of course Gabby, our Berserkers are unstoppable." She said with a smirk."Unstoppable indeed dear sister." Gabby responded as another figure materialised behind him, the splitting image of the one behind his sister this one styled in red, even down to his eyes. [/quote] Aylsis laughed. "Oh yeah, I think we can be friends." she agreed. Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of exhaustion. "Forgive my rudeness, but I only arrived today, and I didn't get much sleep before then. I think its starting to catch up to me. If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to take a nap."