Once everyone had finished introducing themselves, Faust stood back up and clapped his hands. "Thank you all, for the introductions. Momentarily you will feel us departing. The journey will take a few days, but I believe you all will find an adequate chapel, library, and training rooms to suit your needs. In a few minutes dinner shall be served." With that, Faust leaned forward into a small, polite bow, and departed the room. The Marine Syrus stood up, and departed after him, not waiting on the food, and returning to the forge. After a few minutes, a physical shift in the ship's gravity could be felt momentarily as it started it's journey. A short while after, a loud pop could be heard be all aboard, as the geller fields activated, and with one last gut wrenching lurch, the ship was jumping through warp space. Roughly fifteen minutes afterwards, several servitors shuffled in, with hands full of platters of food. It was a feast for a normal man, and a meal for the astartes. Various greens and vegetables on platters, grox. Pitchers of water and wine, although the astartes augmentations made getting drunk fairly difficult. When the plates were all placed, the servitors would shuffle away. During the meeting, Arkhas would give each marine their due respect. He said nothing to them all. Founding chapters for the most part, but the Blood Ravens were new to him. The Space Sharks themselves were an ancient chapter, second founding, but they had been on a crusade their entire existence. Arkhas has fought a great many an enemy who had not even heard of the Emperor yet, nor did the Imperium know of them. Civilizations trying to reach the stars meeting giants clad in armor smiting them before their prime. As such, his chapter was not known to many. When the captain had left, the ship had departed, and the food was brought in, Arkhas would finally remove his helmet. His skin was white, his eyes deep, and black. No iris or whites, only pupils. The skin on his face was drawn tight against his cheek bones, and his jet black hair was short and cropped. With his pursed lips, he looked like the avatar of death, a literal skull for a head. He knew that the other marines may be shocked by how inhuman he looked, by they would get over it, or they wouldn't, and it did not matter to him. Arkhas simply reached forward, and grabbed a plate. He took several slices of Grox, rare, and placed them on his plate. He took some of the vegetables as well, and started to eat. He figured he should try to bond with the marines in some way, although in truth he did not desire their companionship. Only their loyalty, and compliance. Between bites of the animal, with blood running down his chin from the rare meat, he asked the only question he could think of to bond with. "What is the largest thing you've killed? Myself? A Tyranid. One of those hive mind ones, that lead the hordes. Giant monster, standing maybe 18 feet tall." Arkhas drank down a glass of wine, before continuing. "Took my arm, when I thought I had finally bested it. I had done everything right. Parried and dodged. Opened up it's stomach with my sword, and it lunged, and took my arm. I remember it hit me in the shoulder, pinned me down. Leaned down, screaming in my face. I stabbed it in the head." Arkhas looked around at them all. "Closest I've come to death."