"As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not the best at fighting without my guns. Just like that girl said." Rachel commented as she noticed Torie coming down on her after blaze had sent him in to fight her. "Still, I don't mind getting a little hands on attention from boys like you." She said as she licked her lips before jumping back out of the way so she wouldn't get hit by Torie. (Yup... That's gonna be her for most of the fight. XD) Seeing Sayto Kinzoku chuckled a bit. "Just sit back. I want the little..." He was cut short upon the release of Sayto's attack. "The fuck was that?" He asked with an angry glare. Of course, he'd avoided more of the attack. However, the lightning that had hit him hadn't done much. He'd actually activated his iron dragon scales and than stomped his foot into the ground sending the lightning running down and out of his metallic form. "Now, as the scales disappeared from his body and he straightened his form he sighed. "I can't say i didn't see this coming. After all, you were down here and didn't help a bit." He laughed calmly before his sight locked back onto Blaze. "Still. As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me. I want the flying runt." He said with a smirk. "You're boring ass can play with Mike or Kaze or whatever the fuck you want." He snickered a bit. "And that goes for you too Kaze. Step away from the runt with wings. She's mine." He made sure it was known. As a dragon he had a special need to take on the phoenix. (Yup... Kinzoku wants to play with Blaze. And... Hurt her... This is the level of asshole Kinzoku is... And he'll be even worse than Magicka Kinzoku Jake ;P Enjoy x3) "Crap..." Iggy grunted angrily. "Blaze! I need a little nourishment." He said calmly still tired after the mass of magic he'd used and the sudden attack delivered by Kinzoku. But he could still fight. But there was someone else here. Someone who hadn't joined the fray. Why? The Leader? Possibly. Maybe he was the one who held the power that the Villagers had talked about before they came to face the dark guild. So to free the villagers they had to get him. But there were four enemies here and only three members of Fairy Tail in action plus one defector of the dark guild. If he left it'd be 4 on 3. And he couldn't possibly know how strong the guy was or if he was actually on the Fairy Tail side. He looked at Blaze unsure if he should risk leaving the fight to them to pursue whoever else was in the castle. She knew him well enough to get the message without the need for an explanation.