The light in the large room was a great relief to Kalia. She had feared they might be stuck in some kind of tomb, an underground catacomb that would be difficult to find a way out of, but that was apparently not the case. Now she figured they had to be in some ruined palace or castle, which meant they were above ground and simply needed to find a properly sized hole in an outer wall to escape. The sunlight coming in from above meant there was some kind of opening, which meant that escape was indeed possible. The halls leading off in other directions were intriguing, but up was the way to go. Kalia saw one of the others, the woman in grey who said her name was Theon, trying to make her way up past some rubble. That seemed rather foolish, as there were perfectly good vines they could climb up instead. Kalia walked over to the edge of the water and grabbed some of the plants, tugging them hard to see if they were as strong as they seemed. None of them broke or tore free from above, so she decided they were stable enough for her purposes. The vines were easy enough for her to climb, easier than ropes she had climbed before, but she decided not to test them too far. She made it up to the walkway one level above where she had started and pushed her way past the vines to take a look around this level. It was much the same as the level below, minus the water. The main change, the one she'd hoped to find, was that the stairs leading up were just fine on this level. Kalia could see the rubble of the stairs heading down and had a momentary thought to help shift some of it away for the woman climbing up, but she decided against it. She did not know these people, nor did she particularly care to stick around and find out, so she headed for the stairs leading upward. She'd climb up to the top of this tower, or as high as her legs would carry her, unless she found some obvious exit before then, and the other five people could follow or look for their own way out as they pleased.