Name: Isaiah Age: 20 Apperance:[img=] Personality: Often stoic, strict and determined because of his position, he is nevertheless a kind man whenever someone can get him to show it. Bio: A boy from a faraway land that found himself washed ashore to the kingdoms shore. He had amnesia and remembered nothing of his past and his only possession was a [url=]sword[/url] that was found next to him. He was found by the old king and his men while they were returning from a trip. The king took him in and he was raised in the castle with the royal children. When he came of age to do so he became a knight in order to protect the royal family as thanks for the life he had. He took to the fighting and lifestyle quickly and climbed the ranks fast, he uses the standard longsword employed by the rest of the kingdoms knights but instead of a shield, he makes use of the sword that was found with him on the beach.