[B]Cloudhaven - Market District[/b] Well, that's one way to deal with it. With the small shrug of his small shoulders, he watched as the girl accused him of having an agenda. Really? A kid like him have an agenda, look at how cute he was. It was absolutely impossible. As she turned down his request, Chrys sighed a little, she seemed so capable. As the girl left and disappeared, away with the hope of getting this request done. "Well, this a waste of time. Sorry about this, well let's go find another person." Chrys stated with a bored voice, dropping the cutesy little act a little bit more. He felt shy still but at least he could drop that ridiculous stutter. Hey, he could try to find fun in this situation. A mischievious smirk appeared on his cute little face for a split second. "Well, let's go then? We can go exploring for now. C'mon!" With a restrained but obviously elated voice, his smile grew wider as he wrapped both handss around the feline man's right arm. "Is that moonlight picnic still an offer?" He wasn't going to be devasted over something like this. As he began to walk, he noticed a crowd gathering at the town square with cheers and excited laughs. "Hey, let's go over there. Looks pretty interesting!" With a beaming face, he guided his taller companion towards the crowd.