Kira smiled and nodded. She did have fun, but she missed being here. Ireland wasn't her home, just where some family lived and a place to have fun. And she was about to answer his question when he stopped her, frowning. "So do you think your parents will tell you anything? Given that the eldest children are the next heads in our respective families, you'd think they'd at least keep us in the loop so we'd at least learn something if we can't do anything to help," She said then gave him a smirk when he called her feral. "Feral and proud." She stepped through the door and her eyes quickly snapped to the two young adults in the shop. Connor was easy to recognize, even from the back. He didn't look much different... just a lot taller. What was this? Every one was a giant, well at least everyone except Rose. Rose! "Well hello you two! I'm just seeing all of my old friends today," Kira said happily.