Collaboration between GuardianAngelHaruki and Ghost Shadow *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Henry could do little as the events unfolded around him. Before he knew it, he found himself alone with the predatory woman who seemed strangely...enticing. Letting out a deep sigh of exasperation, he hailed the bartender, ordering himself a glass of red wine to drink. Might as well enjoy what shambles of the evening were left. The woman ordered another glass of scotch, and once she had it, she downed it quickly. She was silent and pensive, and as she remained pensive, the woman felt the familiar sharp pang in her heart. She shook her head and tried to ignore whatever it was she felt. She looked to Henry, and she said to him, "So. Do you go to bars very often?" Henry jumped slightly as the woman spoke to him, obviously not expecting such an occurrence. "Nah, not often." He began, taking a sip of his drink before speaking again. "But that's not to say occasionally. I can safely say that this is the most interesting one, though." He added with an amused expression that veiled that still-present caution. The woman chuckled amusedly, and she commented, "Yeah. Makes the name fit the bar huh? We all are mad here, or so they say," She then asked "So, what do you like to do?" She looked over him and she commented "You seem like a very intelligent person," Henry smirked at her first comment, noting the phrase commonly applied to the story - to his world. His expression, however, turned to one of confusion at her inquery. Not many people had specifically asked him what he liked to do...and now that he'd thought on it, there wasn't much that came to mind. "Well..." He began, clearing his throat before speaking again. "I like to read, fun little hobby. I'm not too shabby at the piano...and...I'm not so sure." He finally said, wondering if the lack of hobbies was a bad thing or not. The woman smiled a bit and said "I see," She winced as she felt pain in her heart, and she said "As much as I would love to stay and get to know you more. But I must go," She then paid the bartender and she stood up to leave. "Be seein' you around." He said in a neutral tone, finishing his own drink as he watched her walk out. Paying the bartender, he waited a sufficient amount of time before deciding to find out who this 'mystery woman' was. He left the bar quietly and started at a cautious, slow pace, hoping to find at least [i]something[/i] about this infamous stranger. The woman kept on walking and she walked from the bar and headed towards the park. When she reached the park, she stopped, and she turned to see Henry nearby. She called to him, "You know, if you wanted to spend more time with me, you could've asked," "Seemed rather important, figured I'd watch from a distance, so to speak." He replied, approaching her at a rather slow pace, but with a certain swagger to his step. "You've piqued my interest, that much is certain." He commented with a smirk. The woman smiled and she answered, "Glad I caught your interest. But, it's nothing important, I'm just heading home,". She thought of something and she asked, "I don't suppose you would want to meet again some other night?" "Sure, we'll call it a date - well...not a date, more like a...gathering of sorts." After stuttering a few more times he finally cleared his throat and spoke simply, "I'm staying at Granny's, more likely than not, I'll be there." He grinned in an almost wild fashion before turning on his heel to leave. The woman chuckled at his stuttering, and she said "I'll look for you there then. It's a date," She then waved to him and calmly called "Ciao~!" as she turned and left as well. She entered Faye's house through the back door, and while she was at home, the woman physically changed into, none other, Faye Stevenson. She shook her head and mumbled in confusion, "What...happened?"