Wildmax waved off the space moss, for obvious reasons. "I'd rather go for a cystogie. They can be used to deliver all kinds of stuff, poison, stims, harmless flavor doses, you can recharge them and they're safe for organic use. Haven't seen one in a while, though". Cystogies were rare in mostly organic spaces because their advantages just didn't outweight the fact that it was sucking on a small metal cylinder and would taste like such. "Anyway, plan, you figure that out. Just tell me who to shoot and whether you want them dead or alive, not good for much else unless them slavers will accept some fine art in exchange for your brother". He watched Helix clear out his gums before moving on. "Sorry about your buddy there, I did try to just kneecap him. Shall we go see your ship? I'm sure Miss Serenity and Miss Mika can manage gearing up".