Keira smiled as her gaze followed that of Neferati, to the man walking by in the navy suit. With a giggle, she said, "Oh, yes, I certainly have noticed." Looking back at Nerfati, Keira said, "Believe me, though, if you have eyes for my brother, you'd best put on your best charms; he is a bit of a hard nut to crack. But enough about him....your gown is lovely! The colors of the Diewesh Flower, if I'm not mistaken. I remember seeing it when I visited last year; it is quite a beautiful sight." --- Tilyr bowed respectfully to Kylara as she walked away; no doubt she was about to tell her father about what had been spoken of, but it did not matter. He looked up at his own father, King of Gylif, and nodded. Laurent nodded in return, and Tilyr knew that the Lords and Ladies were all in attendance. Laurent held up a hand, and rapidly, the entire room grew silent. "My noble Lords and Ladies of Gylif," he said, his voice booming through the room thanks to the excellent acoustics. "If you would, please, enter the Council Hall, we will begin shortly." As he lowered his hand, two Lyseli guards, dressed in silver and blue, wearing full-face helmets and holding ceremonial vibro-pikes in their hands, opened two massive wooden doors beneath the balcony upon which Laurent was standing. Beyond the doors was a large circular room, in which sat a large round table which followed the contours of the room, with dozens upon dozens of seats for the noble Lords and Ladies of Gylif, and plenty of standing room for their attendants. Laurent walked down the stairs with Tilyr and watched as everyone filed in; they would be the last to enter.