Just as an FYI guys. "The White Ones" are not the swarm itself. The White Ones are literally the albino ones that are huge and very few in number. The rest of the horde is still charging. Is Jack wants to find a leader, The White Ones are very few, have stopped out of gun range, and seem to be making a ton of noise without doing anything. If I knew how to draw and upload stuff, I'd do it to show what was going on. But basically at some points the bug are literally at the wall and getting soaked in the tar. At other points, like the ones where the group is they are holding them about 25 feet away, but that gap is shrinking quickly. Basically this horde isn't called "The White Ones"; the white ones are The White Ones. They should really be called The Brown and Black Ones with a few Really Big White Ones. If you want to get technical... OK I'm keeping this data up for future reference, but I like the idea of the whole horde stopping now that I've had time to think about it. Keep what I said in mind, but it didn't happen that way.